a fan shaped deposit of sediment fromed when a stream's slope is abruptly reduced
what is an alluvial fan?
what are the 3 loads of a stream?
dissolved, suspended, bed
________________ are naturally occurring along the edges of rivers that flood frequently.
What are natural levees?
what process recharges groundwater?
what is infiltration?
What is a hotspring or fountain the ejects water at various intervals.
The _________ of a stream is it's ability to transport large sediment
what is competency?
The measures to control floods.
What is Artificial Levees and Flood-control Dams?
formed by dissolving rock at or newar earth's surface (sinkholes, caverns, caves)
what is karst topography?
Groundwater under pressure rises above the level of the aquifer below
Artesian system
The course the water in a steam flows
What is a Stream Channel?
The causes of floods.
human interference and weather
What are the 3 main threats to groundwater?
Viewing it as a renewable resource
land subsidence
An aquifer with aquitards above and below
What is a confined aquifer?
laminar flow (straight flow) is characteristic of ______ moving streams
what is slow?
the movement of sediment along the bed of a stream by bouncing or skipping along
what is saltation?
Which of the following would have the greatest capacity to naturally filter out pollutants:
Fractured granite
Clayey sand
Clayey sand
unconsolidated sediment deposited by a stream
What 3 things increase from the headwaters to the mouth?
Discharge, Channel Size, and Flow Velocity
how far does a stream's bedload move annually (on average)
a few meters per year
altering a stream channel in order to speed the flow of water and prevent it from reaching flood height
what is channelization?
The ________ ________ is not flat, but contoured with topography
what is the water table?