The definition of Rural and Remote Families
Those that live in geographical areas located outside major towns and cities, associated with mining and farming, distance from neighbours and low population densities.
To access this need R & R families can find themselves shopping at Country Target, Salvation Army / Vinnies stores, community swap's or using hand me downs
This service provides emergency and planned transportation to health services
Royal Flying Doctor Service
How are the education levels of males and females different ?
Females higher levels of structured / qualified education EG high school / uni
Males have higher levels of self education from work
This resource makes the world go round, provides goods and services and is also known as time
The % OR the number of the Australian population that live in R & R locations
28 % & 7 million
Provide some implications if the need of health is not me
Poorer health; earlier disease and illnesses, higher rates of CVD, cancer, injury, obesity and suicide.
This service temporarily houses R & R families whilst they seek health treatments in regional / city areas
Ronald McDonald House
R & R families require high levels of travel, interpreters, support workers and financial assistance with to deal with this characteristic
Many R & R families may lack this resource due to large travel distances and being too tired from labour work
How are the R & R individuals different from city / regional populations
Higher ATSI %
Lower Life Expectancy
Occupation (working with hands / on land)
Poor Health & Health care support
Older average ages
Some R & R individuals move away / work online to access this need
When accessing the School of Air service, what need is satisfied
Majority of R & R families report having a low to mid level of this.
Socioeconomic status
With the small mentality where everyone knows everyone this aspect may be impacted
A negative terminology to describe the group
Country Hicks
Country Bumpkins
When environmental disasters hit, what need is most often impacted for R & R families that also impacts the rest of the country
When accessing this service an individuals physical wellbeing may be improved but they need access to technology to utilise it
What are the 4 types of disability
A small population can result in this aspect being lacked
There are a significant less number of these people in R & R compared to city areas
What are the implications when R & R families lack a sense of identity?
Mental health suffers, Lack of pride & self esteem, Leave town.
What is the biggest social barrier for R & R families accessing financial support
Embarrassment, feeling of failure, social stigma in being seen as weak for asking for help, damage to pride of self sufficient tough individuals
When this characteristic differs from majority of others, a R & R family may have racism and prejudice
First Language Spoken
Whilst people can be poor in money, they can also be poor in this resource