The basis of this special brand of Russian “socialism” was the peasant commune
Who are the Narodniks?
Coined the slogan “The final goal is nothing. The movement is everything.”
Who is Bernstein?
This congress resolved that the proletariat would not kill each other in an imperialist war.
What is the Basle Congress of the 2nd International (1912)?
A mutiny broke out on this ship when officers forced the sailors to eat borscht made from rotten, maggot-infested meat.
What is the Potemkin Revolt?
In this text, Lenin traces the progression of capitalism from a competitive stage to a monopolistic stage, and analyzes the role of finance capital in extracting profit from foreign markets.
What is Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism?
This Bolshevik fraction (including Bogdanov and Lunacharsky) opposed using legal organizations, demanded the recall of RSDLP deputies from the Third Duma, and ending work in trade unions and other mass organizations.
Who are the Otzovists?
During the first years of WWI, this social-democrat wrote “The Crisis of Social-Democracy” (also known as the Junius pamphlet) to criticize the imperialist war and the German Social-Democrats for supporting their own bourgeoisie.
Who was Rosa Luxemburg?
At this conference, Lenin and Stalin met in person for the first time.
What is the First Conference in Tammerfors, Finland, December 1905?
On this day in 1905 a peaceful march of over 100,000 workers brought a petition to the tsar in the Winter Palace, and his forces responded by opening fire into the crowd.
What is Bloody Sunday?
In this 1905 text, Lenin criticized the revisionism of the Mensheviks and laid out tactical principles for the coming revolution.
What is Two Tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution?
This group represented feudal-minded landowners who supported the autocracy which defended their rights to existence. They relied on the bondage of the peasantry and the violent police repression of the state.
Who are the Black Hundreds?
This French socialist accepted a ministerial post in the bourgeois government, and subsequently became president of the French Republic.
Who is Millerand?
At this conference in January 1912, the Bolsheviks expelled the liquidators and Mensheviks.
What is the 6th RSDLP Conference in Prague, Jan 1912?
In an attempt to break the revolutionary workers movement, the tsar promised to extend civil liberties such as freedom of speech, assembly, conscience, and to convene a legislative Duma, in which all classes would participate.
What is the October 17 Manifestio?
A famous line from this text declares that “Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement.”
What is What Is to Be Done?
This group was formed in response to a manifesto of the tsar published during the 1905 sequence, representing the big bourgeoisie and landowners engaged in capitalist operations.
Who are the Octobrists?
He was the dominant intellectual figure of the 1860s revolutionary democratic movement in Russia and the intellectual figurehead of the Narodniks.
Who is Chernyshevsky?
The Mensheviks opposed the Bolshevik agrarian demands for nationalization and offered this program instead, argued at the 1906 Unity Congress by Maslov and Plekhanov.
What is municipalization (handing over of land to the Zemstvos)?
This 1912 event, involving the shooting of striking goldfield workers, led to a resurgence in the worker movement.
What is the Lena Massacre?
In her 1904 pamphlet, “Leninism or Marxism?”, Rosa Luxemburg criticized this Lenin text for his position on democratic centralism, and posited that the spontaneity of the masses were a major factor in socialist revolution.
What is One Step Forward, Two Steps Back?
This party of the liberal bourgeoisie tried to use the proletariat to frighten the tsar, but was only interested in reforms and a share of state power, calling for a constitutional monarchy instead of a full democratic revolution.
Who are the Cadets?
This figure is the author of this quote: "There is no economic necessity for continuing the arms race after the World War, even from the standpoint of the capitalist class itself, with the exception of at most certain armaments interests. On the contrary, the capitalist economy is seriously threatened precisely by the contradictions between its States. Every far-sighted capitalist today must call on his fellows: capitalists of all countries, unite ! For, first of all, there is the growing opposition of the more developed of the agrarian zones, which threatens not just one or other of the imperialist States, but all of them together. This is true of the awakening of Eastern Asia and India as well as of the Pan-Islamic movement in the Near East and North Africa.”
Who is Kautsky?
After several members of the CC were arrested in early 1905, the Bolsheviks abandoned their earlier compromise with the Mensheviks and aligned themselves with this Lenin grouping, which then convened the Third Congress of the Party in London in May 1905.
What is Bureau of Committees of the Majority?
This event was the culmination of escalating mass actions, beginning with a metal workers strike and protests against food shortages on International Women's Day, and ending with a mass uprising that involved the whole of the Petrograd working class.
What is the February Revolution?
In this text, Lenin argues that the reactionary classes are always first to “place the bayonet on the agenda,” thus armed popular insurrection is inevitable and necessary to secure victory in the democratic revolution.
What is Two Tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution?