The working-class people in a society (factory workers, laborers, etc.)
Who were the Proletariat?
This economic system has no government oversight.
What is capitalism?
This tsar was abdicated his throne in 1917.
Who is Nicholas II?
This French word was used to describe the middle classes of Russia.
What is bourgeoisie?
Title used for the emperor of Russia
What is tsar?
This economic system brings people closer together, mostly socioeconomic classes.
What is socialism? (Do not accept Communism)
What is the Duma?
This global conflict resulted in Russia sending ill-equipped troops into battle. Guns were just optional, I guess.
What is WWI?
Rule by 1
What is autocracy?
Mr. Sinn compared Mario Kart's leaderboard mechanic to this economic system for creating winners and losers.
What is capitalism?
The reddest of all the political parties, these guys were huge Lenin fans!
Who are the Bolsheviks?
This 1905 war left Russia humiliated and broke. Tough PR loss for the tsar.
What is the Russo-Japanese War?
A monarch giving up their throne
What is abdicating?
This economic system can be best expressed with this image:
What is communism?
This man wanted to bring communism to Russia... and he sits on Mr. Yates's desk!
Who is Vladimir Lenin?
Who is Rasputin?
Overthrowing of the government
What is a coup d'état?
Founded by Karl Marx, this economic system requires constant revolution to create!
What is communism?
This European country snuck our favorite communist revolutionary back into Russia on a train. What a power move!
What is Germany?
Disagree with the tsar? This was Nicholas's favorite strategy to deal with that pesky legislature.
What is dissolving the Duma?