The Brachiosaurus are genus of sauropod dinosaur that lived in North America during the Late Jurassic , They are known for their long...
In the conversion of digital storage 1 byte is equal to how many bits?
8 bits
This film brought in more than $355 million worldwide. It is the highest grossing anime.
Kimi no nawa (Your Name)
When Russell was young he started to take up taekwondo, What was the highest belt he achieved?
Level and color
Low Blue
How many babies did Bailey gave birth to including the still borns?
7 babies
5 live ones and 2 still borns
It is the name of the prehistoric snake. Known as the largest snake to ever roam the earth
Father of computers
Spirited Away
He played the main role on the Grade 6 play. A classic tale involving a miller's daughter who supposedly can spin straw into gold, a crafty little man by the name of __________ who asks for too much reward and a wise court jester which saves the day. What is the name of the role Russell played?
Aviona was the name of a dove that Russell had when his father caught it in a wedding, He had that dove for 4 months until it died. What famous tv series did the Doves name came from?
They are the genus of herbivorous thyreophoran dinosaur. Also known for the spikes on their back
also called the base-2 number system, is a method of representing numbers that counts by using combinations of only two numerals: zero (0) and one (1)
Binary, Binary System, Binary Numeric System
What is the name of the sibling of Hinata Hyuga from the famous anime series Naruto and spin off series Boruto?
Hanabi Hyuga
When he was young Russell stupidly went up his house to collect a basketball that was threw there by accident. Then he fell 2 stories to the grassy field of the playground by his house. This caused him to be afraid of heights, What do you call this fear?
Russell is obsessed with reptiles and cold blooded creatures. What is the species of snake that he'd like to have? Who is coincidentally a name of a programming system?
The closest relative of the dinosaurs
an external serial bus interface standard for connecting peripheral devices to a computer.
Universal Serial Bus
It is a Hentai that was created by the same people who created the Full metal Alchemist series! Considered to be one of the most hated but popular anime to date it created a new category called trap anime.
Boku no Pico
On an early Monday, Russell had a 7a.m. exam and was scared of being late so he took the 4 am van to go to school. On his way out to the gate of the street that he resides in he caught a video of what appears as a ghost of the nun that haunts the street. What kind video format did he caught the nun with?
A Boomerang
What is Baileys Birth name? Russell also makes this
Featured in a 2015 American science fiction adventure film. It is the largest sea carnivore on the film that can devour any dinosaur it came across. The Mosasaurus is one of the fiercest dinosaur that was seen in which 2015 film?
Jurassic World
If the Binary Digital equivalent of the this Decimal Digit Value (5) is (0101). What is the Binary Digital equivalent of (6) ?
The creators of these old school anime are married. one is about a girl who becomes a titular soldier(Often remembered by her lengthy transformation). The other anime is about a boy with high spiritual prowess (Famously known for the his Raygun)
What are these anime?
Sailor moon and Yu yu hakusho
When he was in highschool he was an overachiever, He would participate in almost any kind of extra curricular activities especially the one where he could show of his epalness, How many times did Russell win a Cheerdance competition in highschool?
Bonus points if you can tell which year(s)
2 time cheerdance champion
Junior and Senior year (3rd and 4th)
It is the name of Russell's first dog, Who was an Aspin and part Jack Russel