what i want to do as my beginner job in journalism
what is an interviewer on a red carpet?
the number of oscar nominations meryl streep has
what is 21?
the actor who played the og king from hamilton in 2020
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a fancy name for a rock that i talk about
what is chert?
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who is zendaya/brittany broski
the salary of the highest paid athlete in the world
what is $260 mil
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a paleoindian tool that is classified as being 2x as long as it is wide
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the number of harry potter books & movies
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the act of making lithics (arrowheads and other tools)
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what is cats? (or zebras)
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what is the need to lie and regard the law above morals?
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what is 776 BC?
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the theory that our site and gault is helping to debunk
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