If sons pay sons, what is the Din?
Random joke.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side.
Who were the Levi'im and their animals in place of?
True or false - its a good idea but not an obligation to touch Tfilin each time you think of them
The reason
What is the Mishna's first case on Day Mem Bais Amud Alef?
One who deposits money to his friend and tied it in a bundle, and put it behind his back.
Which two types of springs may be used to water a Beis Hashlichin?
A new and old one.
Who camped on the east of the Mishkan?
Moshe, Ahron and his sons.
If you're drunk. . .
you can't Daven
The obvious
What is Rabbi Meir's Din regarding something that doesn't exist in the world yet? And why?
He could give it over because it is common.
What is done for graves on Chol H'amoed?
Poor lime over them.
Name Gershon's sons
Livni and Shimi
What should one do if he doesn't have Tfilin?
He shouldn't Daven unless he will miss Z'man Tfilah
What is a case where a renter and borrower would be obligated to bring a Korbon Oshom?
If it's stolen and they say it died from regular work.
Why can you make a trap on Chol H'amoed?
To prevent loss.
Which Shevatim were near Moshe?
Yehuda, Yissocher and Zevulan
All agree that if one Davens Shmoneh Esrai - if the person in front of him is already sitting, does he have to stand up?
What is the first ten words of the second Mishnah?
השוכר פרה מחבירו והשאלה לאחר ומתה כדרכה ישבע השוכר שמתה
Translate 'Moitsiin"
and mark
What is the total of all the Levi'im?
And he said