Which American Civil Rights leader has a park named after him in Paris?
Martin Luther King, Jr.
le parc
the park
the office
le bureau
je vais
I go, am going, do go
I am
Je suis
What Paris subway has a station named after American Jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald?
Le Métro
le stade
the stadium
the restroom
les toilettes
elle va
she goes, is going, does go
You are
Tu es
The Harlem Hellfighters were instrumental in liberating Paris during which War?
World War I
la piscine
the pool
the mall
le centre-commercial
Ils vont
They (masc) go, are going, do go
He is
Il est
in front
What American author of Go Tell It on the Mountain and Giovanni's Room chose France as his new homeland due to the extremist views at home.
James Baldwin
la plage
the beach
the library/media center
la médiathèque/la bibliothèque
Allez-vous au cinéma?
Are you going to the movies?
This/It is
Who was the American Jazz Singer who also helped the French resistance?
Josephine Baker
le collège
the middle school
the high school
le lycée
Nous n'allons pas aux Jeux Olympiques.
We are not going to the Olympic Games.
We are
Nous sommes
à côté de
next to