Where does lunch take place at RVMS?
The cafeteria
What needs to be turned off and in your locker?
Peer pressure occurs when a friend or a group of friends _____________ you to do something you don't want to do
What is RVMS' mascot?
Where is the 6th grade hall located?
How long is passing period?
3 minutes
Others will __________ you more if you stand up for what you believe in
If I am late for school or leaving early where do I go?
Main office!
Where is the gym located?
Behind the cafeteria
Where do the busses pick and drop off students?
side doors by the gym
When someone is pressuring you to do something that you don't want to do or that you know is wrong, you should___________
say no, tell them to stop, get help from an adult
What are RVMS' school colors?
Blue and Yellow
Where is the nurse's office located?
Central/Main Hallway
Where do car riders get picked up and dropped off?
Back doors to back parking lot
When you see a group of kids bullying another student but you are alone, you should____________
get help from an adult, try to help the student being bullied (if it is safe!)
How many related arts are offered to 6th grade students?
Where are most of the related arts classes at?
When can you walk through your schedule and practice opening your locker?
Raider Camp
Treat others the way you want to be _________?
To open a locker lock, which direction do you go first?