This principle suggests that laws reflect a collective agreement on undesirable behavior.
What is social consensus
This type of crime includes offenses like homicide, rape, and assault.
What is violent crime?
Some people criticize the justice system for being too lenient and refer to it as this.
What is a revolving door
This FBI-published report is the most comprehensive measure of crime in the U.S.
What is the Uniform Crime Report (UCR)
A democratic society must balance crime control with this fundamental value.
What is freedom
This system is often seen as the last resort for handling disputes among individuals.
What is the criminal justice system
Burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft fall under this category.
What is property crime
The juvenile justice system operates under this Latin phrase meaning "in place of the parent."
What is parens patriae
Part I offenses include this violent act that results in the unlawful death of a person.
What is murder
Excessive fear of crime may lead people to do this.
What is avoid public places?
This term refers to the socially constructed classification of behaviors as illegal.
What is crime
These crimes, such as drug use and gambling, often involve willing participants.
What are victimless crimes
This type of court case transfer allows juveniles to be tried as adults for serious crimes.
What is a waiver
This crime report method surveys individuals about crimes they have experienced.
What is the National Crime Victimization Survey
Some victims resort to this unlawful act instead of reporting crimes.
What is revenge
A crime occurs when this legal element is violated
What is a law
This term describes crimes committed by professionals for financial gain.
What is white-collar crime
Laws that only apply to minors, such as curfews, are called this.
What are status offenses
A limitation of self-report studies is that participants may do this.
What is lie
Laws must be enforced fairly to maintain this public sentiment.
What is confidence in the justice system
This principle suggests that laws reflect a collective agreement on undesirable behavior.
What is social consensus
This type of crime involves acts committed by politicians or government officials.
What is political crime
This legal concept ensures that laws are applied uniformly regardless of social class.
What is equal protection under the law
This method of measuring crime tracks unlawful behaviors people admit to committing.
What are self-report studies
A society must balance crime control with preserving this core aspect of American life.
What is civil liberty