Vocabulary check
Vocabulary check
Prepositions and phrases
Cloze Test

Correct or incorrect?

1. Don't PANICKING. We'll fix it.

2. There was a period of STABILITY after a series of wars and conflicts.

1. IC

2. C


Correct or incorrect?

1. After the long day, I didn't even have PHYSICAL ENERGY to brew a cup of tea.

2. I went to dentist yesterday, and he had to DRILLING my tooth because there was a cavity, and it was inflamed.

1. C

2. IC


Please fill in the blank(s) with preposition(s):

 on / in / of / at / from / by / with / across / to / for

She was totally fine with the thought of not getting married _____ the sake of her career.



Fill in the blank(s) with one word (for each):

I.M. Pei, a Chinese-American architect born in 1917, has brought the past _____ the present.



Find and correct mistakes (transition words and subordinating conjunctions of time) in the sentences that follow:

I had a terrible nightmare last night. Next, I was crawling in some grass.

Next -- (at) first


Odd word out:

1. Palette / Portrait / Falcon

2. Chariot / Glory / Magnificent

3. Royal / Massive / Pharaoh

1. Falcon

2. Chariot

3. Massive


Odd word out:

1. Overt / psychiatrist / neurotransmitter

2. Conscious / awake / activation

3. Threaten / nerve cell / terrified

1. Overt

2. Activation

3. Nerve cell


Fill in the blank(s) with preposition(s):

on / in / of / at / from / by / with / across / to / for

1. When it comes to earning money, this guy can go _____ great lengths.

2. He disliked formal gatherings because of the need to converse ______ strangers and engage in a "small talk" there.

1. To

2. With


Fill in the blank(s) with one word (for each):

He recently designed and built a large pyramid much (1) _____ the Egyptians did in the past. (2) _________, he used new high technology materials and processes.

1. as/like

2. However


Find and correct mistakes (transition words and subordinating conjunctions of time; 2) in the sentences that follow:

Then, I was knocking on the door to a strange house. I saw a very old man before the door opened.

1. Then [no comma]

2. before -- when/as


Match the words with their definitions:

1. Terrified

2. Restriction

3. Fundamental

4. Monotheistic

A. Believing that there is only one God

B. An official rule that limits what you can do

C. Feeling extremely frightened

D. Very important or essential

1. C

2. B

3. D

4. A


Match the words/phrases with their definitions:

1. Holy

2. Dynasty

3. Go to great lengths

4. Recall

A. To be prepared to do anything, no matter how difficult

B. Considered to be special because it is connected with God or a particular religion

C. Remember about sth and tell others about it

D. A series of rulers of a country who all belong to the same family

1. B

2. D

3. A

4. C


Fill in the blank(s) with preposition(s):

on / in / of / at / from / by / with / across / to / for

1. Just stew it on low flame for about an hour stirring ______ time to time.

2. Once she gained access _____ his social media account, she discovered that he had been cheating on her.

3. His actions are not consistent ______ what he is saying most of the time.

1. From

2. To

3. With


Fill in the blank(s) with one word (for each):

Pei's pyramid is the new main entrance to (1) ______ Louvre Museum in Paris, France. The pyramid is made (2) _____ the special high-strength glass walls. The see-(3)_________ walls give the structure a sense of transparency and lightness.

1. the

2. of

3. through


Find and correct mistakes (using verbs in narration and transition words/subordinating conjunctions of time; 3) in the sentences that follow:

He led me into a large room. Lions are playing in front of a fireplace. As soon as I was watching, the lions will begin to attack each other. The old man disappeared.

1. are playing -- were playing

2. As soon as -- As

3. will begin -- began


Vocabulary (parts of speech):

1. His test results were ___________.

Satisfaction / satisfy / satisfactory / satisfied

2. With some ___________, her overall condition can be improved.

Stimulate / stimulated / stimulation

3. That was his ___________ choice, and he is responsible for it.

Conscious / consciousness / conscience / conscientious

4. To ___________ your points, please add some specific examples in the body paragraph.

Illustrative / illustration / illustrating / illustrate

1. Satisfactory

2. Stimulation

3. Conscious

4. Illustrate


Vocabulary (parts of speech):

1. Even though he has a degree in translation and linguistics, he never worked as an ______________.

Interpret / interpreter / interpretation

2. The signal wasn't ______________ well, so the connection got disrupted.

Transmit / transmitter / transmission

3. I'd like to ___________ my bedroom in light pink colors.

Decorate / decoration / decorator

4. Is it for ______________ ? I can't believe it!

Real / realistic / realize

1. Interpreter

2. Transmitted

3. Decorate

4. Real


Fill in the blanks with one of the phrases below:

on average / agree on / from time to time / make sense of

in the hope of (that)

1. As she was walking away, he kept on looking at her _______________ she would change her mind and turn back.

2. _______________, he would catch a cold twice or thrice a year.

1. In the hope that

2. On average


Fill in the blank(s) with one word (for each):

Pei's glass pyramid is the first modern addition to the Louvre, (1) ________ was originally a palace for the kings (2) _____ France.

The pyramid has (3) ______ criticized by people who are puzzled by the unexpected combination of this high-tech (4) ______________ and the surrounding nineteenth-century stone buildings in a traditional style.

1. which/that

2. of

3. been

4. pyramid


Find and correct mistakes (using verbs in narration and transition words/subordinating conjunctions of time; 4) in the sentences that follow:

The old man disappeared. I was very afraid. While he disappeared, the lions saw me and started to run towards me. As soon as I saw them come in my direction, I ran towards the door. The lions are getting closer and closer. My heart pounding. When I woke up.

1. While -- After

2. are getting -- were getting

3. pounding -- was pounding

4. When -- Then


Fill in the blanks with the correct words/phrases and forms:

Awake / interpretation / alternative / cross out / recur / chaotic / fundamental /resolve / envision / sacrifice  

1. The matter was soon __________, and all seemed to be happy with the result.

2. Motherhood implies being able to ___________ a lot of your time and personal space.

3. Pretty much everything in her apartment was in a very ________ state.

4. Do we have ______________, or is it the only possible way to deal with it?

1. Resolved

2. Sacrifice

3. Chaotic

4. Alternatives


Fill in the blanks with the correct words/phrases and forms:

Random / latent / interpretation / nightstand / inactive /

reward / induction / instinctual / significance

1. His _______________ of the situation differed from others' a lot.

2. I usually do not put my phone on the ____________ when I go to sleep but rather prefer putting it away from me because I'm afraid to miss the alarm.

3. Many detectives prefer using the method of __________ instead of deduction when solving cases.

4. If you bear patience and show perseverance, at the end you will be ______________ for it.

1. Interpretation

2. Nightstand

3. Induction

4. Rewarded


Fill in the blanks with one of the phrases below:

in contrast / belong to / (be) about to / in charge of / break into

put up with / make sense of

1. Even though I'm not officially ______________ giving orientation to new employees, I don't mind helping out.

2. They couldn't _______________ what was going on up until they got a phone call from Max.

3. Who does this suitcase _______________? It's been there for already a while, and no one has claimed it until now.

1. In charge of

2. Make sense of

3. Belong to


Fill in the blank(s) with one word (for each):

However, Pei felt the project was a chance (1) ______ integrate artistic design with his commitment to urban renewal -- a plan to (2) _________ the city and help it meet current needs. The new addition (3) ______ the Louvre is built above a huge below-ground network of services and passages. Pei hoped to revitalize the Louvre and give it new life and energy. His goal was to (4) _______ it easy for people to enter the Louvre and to make the Louvre a part of the life of (5) __________-day Paris.

1. to

2. renew

3. to

4. make

5. present


There are five mistakes (using verbs in narration, transition words/conjunctions of time, and expressions used to explain symbols) in the paragraph that follow. Find and correct them.

In his nightmare, the young man is trapped in a cave. There are many tunnels that lead out of the cave. First he went down one of the tunnels. The tunnel comes to a sudden end. Then he continues exploring the tunnels one by one. At the end of each one, the young man finds a blank wall. Second, he goes down the last tunnel. As he reaches the end, he fell into a deep hole. That's when he wakes up. The young man thinks the dream symbolizes of his panic at making a decision about his career.

1. First -- First,

2. went -- goes

3. Second -- Finally/At last

4. fell -- falls

5. symbolizes of -- symbolizes
