Ryan's favorite Pokemon!
What is Arcanine?
This legendary Chinese Pokémon is easily recognized by its large flowing mane.
What is Arcanine?
The number of cards that are in a standard legal deck!
What is 60?
The place where you go to heal your Pokemon!
Where is the Pokemon Center?
A school that has a Pokemon Club!
The school that Ryan goes to!
What is the Bush School?
In recent years, this species has been very helpful in cyberspace. These Pokémon will go around checking to make sure no suspicious data exists.
Who is Porygon?
This type of Pokemon card gives up two prize cards when knocked out!
What are Pokemon V or ex?
The place you go to fight the Elite Four!
Where is the Pokemon League?
The neighborhood we are currently in!
Where is Chinatown-International District?
Who is Owen?
It flies over raging seas as if they were nothing. Observing this, a ship’s captain dubbed this Pokémon “the sea incarnate.”
(Dragon Type)
What is Dragonite?
What are Radiant Pokemon?
The town that Ash Ketchum is from!
Where is Pallet Town?
Who is Gholdengo?
Ryan's favorite food!
What is noodles?
It flies in the ozone layer, way up high in the sky. Until recently, no one had ever seen it.
What is Rayquaza?
These kinds of people set up tournaments, judge tournaments and help people learn the game of Pokemon!
What are Pokemon Professors?
The location of the Pokemon Academy in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet!
Where is Mesagoza?
In the show Path to the Peak, the character Joshua had this as his signature Pokemon!
What is Jolteon?
When Ryan had to invent a new type of Pokemon, which type did he invent?
What is cheeseburger type?
It likes playing with others of its kind using the water ring on its tail. It uses ultrasonic waves to sense the emotions of other living creatures.
What is Finizen?
What happens when your Pokemon is Paralyzed!
What not being able to attack or retreat for exactly one turn?
This location is located at the bottom of the Great Paldean Crater!
Where is Area Zero?
How tall Professor Owen is!
What is 6 feet tall?