where did blues originate
southern united states
sometimes called the
piedmont blues
has a more calm
swinging feel
rhythmic guitar patterns, often using a
Blues musicians from the South brought their with them to the north.
blues were born from black agricultral, workers, and
Heavy use of what instrument
singer used high pitched, clear,
vocal lines
who was the father of the Delta blues
charlie patton
between 1920 1970, over 6 million of what culture left the south to move to the more industrial cities of the north, including chicago
african americans
what three areas did blues devolop
east coast, Delta, texas
influcenced by ragtime so the guitar accompaniments are
devoloped as the workers began moving to the urban centers of texas
Developed primarily at a 25,000 acre plantation where employees both worked and lived
dockery farms
in Chicago, a more what form of blues developed
what mood were the lyrics of blues
melancholy and sorruwful
instead of strumming the guitar used
heavy finger picking
strum patterns use a what type of rythem
strum rythm
most often sung by a singer, using speech like
solo, vocal patterns
the electric form of the blues in Chicago developed, including what instrument and electric guitars
blues originated around
1880s -1920s
sing exhibits clear are and melodic
vocal lines
the lyrics lean on
heartbreak, hard times
several Delta blues musicians traveled to what city to record albums and further their careers
There was also an increased use of which two instruments
piano, drums