Eileen says that this is her favorite room in her house.
What is a sunroom?
The most popular type of game.
What is cards?
The number of people who completed my surveys!
What are 26 respondents
Double Jeopardy! Make your wajor! If you are in the negatives you can wajor up too 1,000!
The majority of people (28%) had said that this is their favorite sport.
What is baseball?
This person is talking:
I use to live underwater at 600 feet or deeper for 60+ day at a time on submarines.
Who is Robert Bachman?
Robert and Arlene Bachman rated their backyard this number.
What is 10?
This person wish that they could be a teacher.
Who is Ryan Bachman.
I asked Todd to tell me a story. He told me this.
What is, “Maybe when you are 21.”
The second most popular sport (24%).
What is American Football?
Double Jeopardy! Make your wajor! If you are in the negatives you can wajor up too 1,000!
This person is talking:
I have a master’s degree in economics. My first career was computer programming. I had no intention of having my current job.
Who is Sharon Kolchinsky?
25% of people which is the majority gave this number as a rating of their backyard.
What is 7?
This family member wish they could be a farmer.
Who is Amy?
Double Jeopardy! Make your wajor! If you are in the negatives you can wajor up too 1,000!
This person traveled to 40 countries!
Who is Laurie Jackel?
The person voted most likely to be a famous fashion-designer.
Who is Eileen Bachman?
This person is talking:
I almost got ran over by a car when i was little, but Rachel dashed out to rescue and pulled me to the side within seconds.
Who is Lucas Sant?
Double Jeopardy! Make your wajor! If you are in the negatives you can wajor up too 1,000!
33% of people say that this is their favorite room of the house.
What is the den?
If Sharon could have any job she would do this.
What is being a food critique.
This person is talking:
My husband worked as a lead detective on a case for the police, and years later was featured on an episode of a tv show called Snapped, where he was interviewed about the case.
Who is Amy?
Other than under-armor, this is the clothing brand that is the most popular.
What is old navy?
One of these stories is not true.
1. Once got hit by a cat.
2. Was a Valedictorian in middle school
3. Went to camp.
4. Got stuck in a closet.
5. Named all fish SpongeBob.
6. Broke arm in Kindergarten and can make arm go 360 now.
7. Never held a baby in my life before I became a parent.
8. Once lived in California.
What is #4?
No one said that this is their favorite room.
What is a dining room/bath room?
(Accept backyard)
Double Jeopardy! Make your wajor! If you are in the negatives you can wajor up too 1,000!
The job that most people (12%) wish they could have.
What is a traveling journalist?
The majority of people’s favorite subject in school.
What is English?
Sharon thought this person is most likely to be a world famous fashion designer.
Who is Sarah Kolchinsky?
Final Jeopardy! Everyone make your wajor! If you are in the negatives you can wajor up too 1,000! You will write down your wajor and answer privately!
This person is talking:
I think I had a pet mice as a child. Yuck!
Who is Gail?