(food handling)
This is the minimum length of time you should spend washing your hands with warm water and soap.
What is 20 seconds?
These are two things you should include in your emergency evacuation kit.
What are food, water, flashlight, a radio, first aid kit, extra batteries, a whistle, dust mask, duct tape, local maps, etc?
The three steps you should follow in a situation involving an active shooter.
What are run, hide, fight?
These are required to be worn by anyone stepping foot in the warehouse.
What are closed toe, closed heel shoes?
The only fruit with its seeds on the outside.
What is a strawberry?
The minimum internal temperature that chicken should be cooked to.
What is 165 degrees farenheit?
The 3 steps you should take to protect yourself during an earthquake.
What are drop, cover, and hold on?
This is what the acronym OSHA stands for.
What is Occupational Safety and Health Administration?
In case a bad apple finds them on the ground, these should never be kept together in the same holder.
What are your ID card and keycard?
Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of this food sticking to the roof of your mouth.
What is peanut butter?
You can safely thaw this on the countertop at room temperature.
What is nothing! There are three safe ways to defrost food: in the refrigerator, in cold water, and in the microwave.
A score of over 300 is considered this on the AQI (air quality index) scale.
What is hazardous?
This is the first step of the "Stop the Bleed" training procedure.
What is apply pressure with your hands?
The only designated and approved smoking area on SFBFS campus.
What is the funny bus stop looking bench located in the parking lot?
The nut used to make marzipan.
What is almonds?
The four steps to food safety, and you can C why!
What are clean, separate, cook, and chill?
These are the hours in the day when the sun's UV rays are at their strongest.
What are 10am-4pm?
The number one workplace injury.
What are trips, slips, and falls?
This is how many different evacuation check-in points we have including primary and alternates.
What is 3?
This condiment was used for its medicinal qualities in the 1800s.
What is ketchup?
The number of annual hospitalizations in the US due to food borne illnesses.
What is 128,000?
In 2022, this was the underlying cause for 1,670 deaths nationwide.
What is heat?
The maximum weight for something you can lift before asking for assistance or getting equipment.
What is 40 pounds?
These are the facility guidelines of SFBFS, also conveniently abbreviated as "SFBFS."
What are Safe access, Free of distractions, Be a good steward, Find help, and Supervised areas only?
This is one of the three most prevalent fruit allergies.
What is apples, peaches, or kiwis?