Office Work
Outdoor Recreation
Creative Arts
Physical Fitness
Social Activities

Activity 1: Writing Reports

Documents: 서류들 - اسناد

Edits: 편집들 - ویرایش‌ها

Formats: 형식들 - قالب‌ها

Prints: 인쇄물들 - چاپ‌ها

Analyzes: 분석들 - تحلیل‌ها

Activity 1: Writing Reports

Writing reports often involves organizing multiple documents into coherent sections. Each report goes through several edits to ensure accuracy and clarity. Different formats are used depending on the type of report, and after finalizing, the report is often printed for distribution. The final step is for the team to analyze the report's data to make informed decisions.

Conversation Topic: "How do you make sure your reports are accurate and clear? What is your editing process like?"


Activity 1: Hiking

Trails: 등산로들 - مسیرها

Camps: 캠프들 - کمپ‌ها

Maps: 지도들 - نقشه‌ها

Climbs: 등반들 - صعودها

Peaks: 정상들 - قله‌ها

Activity 1: Hiking

Hiking enthusiasts love exploring new trails that offer beautiful scenery. Setting up camps along the way allows for rest and overnight stays. Maps are essential to navigate and avoid getting lost. Hikers often face challenging climbs that lead to breathtaking peaks with panoramic views.

Conversation Topic: "What are your favorite hiking trails and why? How do you get ready for a tough hike?"


Activity 1: Painting

Brushes: 붓들 - قلم‌موها

Canvases: 캔버스들 - بوم‌ها

Colors: 색깔들 - رنگ‌ها

Blends: 혼합들 - ترکیب‌ها

Sketches: 스케치들 - طرح‌ها

Activity 1: Painting

Painters use various brushes to apply paint to their canvases. They experiment with different colors to create depth and mood. Techniques such as blending are used to merge colors smoothly. Many artists start with sketches before committing to their final piece.

Conversation Topic: "What inspires you to paint, and what techniques do you use? Can you describe a painting you are proud of?"


Activity 1: Running

Tracks: 트랙들 - مسیرها

Laps: 랩들 - دورها

Shoes: 신발들 - کفش‌ها

Sprints: 단거리 달리기들 - دوهای سرعت

Stretches: 스트레칭들 - کشش‌ها

Activity 1: Running

Runners train on different tracks and aim to complete multiple laps. Proper shoes are crucial for comfort and performance. Intense sprints are part of the training regimen. Stretching before and after runs helps to prevent injuries.

Conversation Topic: "What motivates you to run, and where do you like to run? How do you prepare for long runs?"


Activity 1: Dining Out

Menus: 메뉴들 - منوها

Dishes: 요리들 - غذاها

Drinks: 음료들 - نوشیدنی‌ها

Orders: 주문들 - سفارش‌ها

Waits: 대기들 - انتظارها

Activity 1: Dining Out

Dining out involves perusing different menus to choose appealing dishes. Refreshing drinks accompany meals. Customers place their orders with the waitstaff. Sometimes there is a wait, but the anticipation builds as everyone waits for their meals to arrive.

Conversation Topic: "What type of food do you like, and what is your favorite restaurant? Can you share a memorable dining experience?"


Activity 2: Attending Meetings

Agendas: 의제들 - دستور کارها

Notes: 노트들 - یادداشت‌ها

Briefs: 요약들 - خلاصه‌ها

Confirms: 확인들 - تأیید‌ها

Presents: 발표들 - ارائه‌ها

Activity 2: Attending Meetings

During meetings, participants follow structured agendas to stay on track. Important notes are taken to capture key points and action items. Sometimes, briefs are prepared beforehand to provide context. Everyone confirms their understanding of tasks, and someone usually presents updates or findings to the group.

Conversation Topic: "How do you get ready for meetings? Can you tell us about a meeting that went well because of good preparation?"


Activity 2: Fishing

Rods: 낚싯대들 - چوب‌های ماهیگیری

Reels: 릴들 - قرقره‌ها

Hooks: 낚시 바늘들 - قلاب‌ها

Catches: 잡은 고기들 - شکارها

Casts: 던짐들 - پرتاب‌ها

Activity 2: Fishing

Fishing is a relaxing hobby involving the use of rods and reels to catch fish. Hooks are baited and cast into the water. The thrill of fishing comes when one finally catches a fish. Skillful anglers often have perfected their casts to land their bait in the perfect spot.

Conversation Topic: "What do you like about fishing? Can you share a story about a time you caught a big fish?"


Activity 2: Writing Stories

Plots: 줄거리들 - طرح‌ها

Characters: 등장인물들 - شخصیت‌ها

Drafts: 초안들 - پیش‌نویس‌ها

Revises: 수정들 - اصلاحات

Publishes: 출판물들 - انتشارات

Activity 2: Writing Stories

Story writers develop intricate plots that keep readers engaged. They create memorable characters that drive the story forward. Multiple drafts are written and revised to perfect the narrative. The ultimate goal is to publish the story for others to enjoy.

Conversation Topic: "How do you create your stories and characters? Have you ever published a story?"


Activity 2: Swimming

Pools: 수영장들 - استخرها

Lanes: 레인들 - خطوط شنا

Strokes: 영법들 - ضربات

Splashes: 첨벙들 - چلپ‌چلوپ‌ها

Dives: 다이빙들 - شیرجه‌ها

Activity 2: Swimming

Swimmers practice in large pools divided into lanes for organized training. They work on various swimming strokes to improve technique. Diving into the water often results in big splashes. Competitions include events where they perform dives from different heights.

Conversation Topic: "What swimming strokes do you find difficult, and how do you practice them? Have you ever been in a swimming competition?"


Activity 2: Watching Movies

Screens: 스크린들 - پرده‌ها

Seats: 좌석들 - صندلی‌ها

Tickets: 티켓들 - بلیت‌ها

Reviews: 리뷰들 - بررسی‌ها

Laughs: 웃음들 - خنده‌ها

Moviegoers enjoy films on large screens while seated in comfortable seats. Purchasing tickets is the first step in the experience. After watching, they often read or write reviews to share their opinions. Laughter fills the theater during funny scenes.

Conversation Topic: "What kind of movies do you like, and why? Can you recommend a movie you enjoyed?"


Activity 3: Managing Emails

Messages: 메시지들 - پیام‌ها

Replies: 답변들 - پاسخ‌ها

Attaches: 첨부들 - پیوست‌ها

Forwards: 전달들 - فوروارد‌ها

Deletes: 삭제들 - حذف‌ها

Activity 3: Managing Emails

Managing emails can be overwhelming with the constant influx of messages. Timely replies are essential to maintain communication. Important documents are often attached to emails for reference. Sometimes, emails need to be forwarded to colleagues, and old emails are frequently deleted to keep the inbox organized.

Conversation Topic: "How do you handle a lot of emails? How do you decide which emails to reply to first?"


Activity 3: Bird Watching

Binoculars: 쌍안경들 - دوربین‌ها

Species: 종들 - گونه‌ها

Feathers: 깃털들 - پرها

Perches: 횃대들 - نشیمن‌ها

Tweets: 짹짹들 - جیک‌جیک‌ها

Activity 3: Bird Watching

Bird watchers always carry their binoculars to get a closer look at different bird species. They document the unique feathers and markings of each bird. Birds are often seen perched on perches in trees or on wires. The sound of birds' tweets can often help identify their presence.

Conversation Topic: "What is the most interesting bird you have seen while bird watching? How do you identify different birds?"


Activity 3: Playing Music

Instruments: 악기들 - سازها

Notes: 음표들 - نت‌ها

Chords: 화음들 - آکوردها

Tunes: 선율들 - نغمه‌ها

Plays: 연주들 - اجراها

Activity 4: Sculpting

Sculptors shape clay into various forms using specialized tools. They meticulously create detailed shapes that represent their artistic vision. Molds help in forming consistent shapes, and they often carve intricate designs into their sculptures.

Conversation Topic: "What materials do you use for sculpting and why? Can you describe a sculpture you made?"


Activity 3: Weightlifting

Weights: 무게들 - وزنه‌ها

Reps: 반복들 - تکرارها

Sets: 세트들 - ست‌ها

Lifts: 들어올림들 - بلند کردن‌ها

Presses: 프레스들 - پرس‌ها

Activity 3: Weightlifting

Weightlifters use heavy weights for strength training. They complete sets of reps to build muscle. Workouts are divided into multiple sets focusing on different muscle groups. Proper form during lifts and presses is crucial to avoid injury.

Conversation Topic: "What is your weightlifting routine, and how do you use proper form? Do you have tips for beginners?"


Activity 3: Attending Parties

Invitations: 초대들 - دعوت‌ها

Gifts: 선물들 - هدیه‌ها

Drinks: 음료들 - نوشیدنی‌ها

Chats: 대화들 - گفتگوها

Dances: 춤들 - رقص‌ها

Activity 3: Attending Parties

Attending parties involves sending out invitations and bringing thoughtful gifts. Guests enjoy a variety of drinks and engage in lively chats. Music often plays in the background, encouraging everyone to dance.

Conversation Topic: "What do you enjoy about parties, and what makes a party memorable for you? Can you describe a fun party you went to?"


Activity 4: Conducting Research

Sources: 출처들 - منابع

Databases: 데이터베이스들 - پایگاه‌های داده

Surveys: 설문조사들 - نظرسنجی‌ها

Compiles: 수집들 - گردآوری‌ها

Summarizes: 요약들 - خلاصه‌ها

Activity 4: Conducting Research

Conducting research involves gathering information from various sources. Researchers often use specialized databases to find relevant data. They may conduct surveys to gather firsthand information. Once collected, the data is compiled into reports and summarized for easier understanding.

Conversation Topic: "What tools or methods do you use for research? How do you make sure your sources are trustworthy?"


Activity 4: Cycling

Bikes: 자전거들 - دوچرخه‌ها

Routes: 경로들 - مسیرها

Helmets: 헬멧들 - کلاه‌ها

Pedals: 페달들 - پدال‌ها

Rides: 타기들 - سواری‌ها

Activity 4: Cycling

Cyclists enjoy riding their bikes on various routes through the city or countryside. Wearing helmets is essential for safety. The rhythmic motion of their feet on the pedals propels them forward. They often plan long rides for exercise and enjoyment.

Conversation Topic: "What are your favorite cycling routes and why? How do you stay safe while cycling?"


Activity 4: Sculpting

Clays: 점토들 - خاک رس‌ها

Tools: 도구들 - ابزارها

Shapes: 형태들 - اشکال

Molds: 틀들 - قالب‌ها

Carves: 조각들 - کنده‌کاری‌ها

Activity 4: Sculpting

Sculptors shape clay into various forms using specialized tools. They meticulously create detailed shapes that represent their artistic vision. Molds help in forming consistent shapes, and they often carve intricate designs into their sculptures.

Conversation Topic: "What materials do you use for sculpting and why? Can you describe a sculpture you made?"


Activity 4: Yoga

Poses: 자세들 - حرکات

Mats: 매트들 - تشک‌ها

Breaths: 숨쉬기들 - نفس‌ها

Stretches: 스트레칭들 - کشش‌ها

Balances: 균형들 - تعادل‌ها

Activity 4: Yoga

Yoga practitioners move through various poses that enhance flexibility and strength. They use yoga mats for comfort during practice. Deep breaths help maintain focus and relaxation. Regular stretching and balancing poses are key components of yoga.

Conversation Topic: "How has yoga benefited you, and what are your favorite poses? Can you share an experience from a yoga class?"


Activity 4: Volunteering

Events: 행사들 - رویدادها

Causes: 원인들 - دلایل

Groups: 그룹들 - گروه‌ها

Helps: 도움들 - کمک‌ها

Supports: 지원들 - حمایت‌ها

Activity 4: Volunteering

Volunteers participate in meaningful events supporting various causes. They often work in organized groups to maximize their impact. Offering their time and skills, they provide helps to those in need and supports community efforts.

Conversation Topic: "What causes do you care about, and how do you volunteer? Can you share an experience where your volunteering made a difference?"


Activity 5: Data Entry

Records: 기록들 - سوابق

Tables: 테이블들 - جدول‌ها

Checks: 점검들 - بررسی‌ها

Inputs: 입력들 - ورودی‌ها

Updates: 업데이트들 - به‌روزرسانی‌ها

Activity 5: Data Entry

Data entry requires meticulous recording of records into digital formats. Information is organized into tables for clarity. Regular checks are performed to ensure accuracy. New data is input as it becomes available, and existing data is frequently updated to reflect the latest information.

Conversation Topic: "How do you keep your data entry accurate? What steps do you take to organize and check your work?"


Activity 5: Gardening

Seeds: 씨앗들 - بذرها

Plants: 식물들 - گیاهان

Weeds: 잡초들 - علف‌های هرز

Waters: 물들 - آب‌ها

Blossoms: 꽃들 - شکوفه‌ها

Activity 5: Gardening

Gardeners start with planting seeds and nurturing them into healthy plants. Regular weeding keeps the weeds from overtaking the garden. Watering is a daily task to ensure the plants thrive. In time, the garden will bloom with beautiful blossoms.

Conversation Topic: "What do you enjoy about gardening? Do you have any tips for growing healthy plants?"


Activity 5: Photography

Cameras: 카메라들 - دوربین‌ها

Lenses: 렌즈들 - لنزها

Frames: 프레임들 - قاب‌ها

Captures: 촬영들 - ضبط‌ها

Focuses: 초점들 - فوکوس‌ها

Activity 5: Photography

Photographers use high-quality cameras with various lenses to capture stunning images. They carefully compose their shots within frames to enhance the visual appeal. Capturing the perfect moment requires patience and skill. The focus is essential to ensure the subject is sharp.

Conversation Topic: "What do you like to photograph and why? Can you share a story about a photo shoot you did?"


Activity 5: Playing Sports

Games: 경기들 - بازی‌ها

Teams: 팀들 - تیم‌ها

Scores: 점수들 - امتیازها

Passes: 패스들 - پاس‌ها

Wins: 승리들 - بردها

Activity 5: Playing Sports

Athletes engage in various games competing against other teams. They aim to score the highest scores to win. Strategic passes and teamwork are essential during play. Achieving wins is the ultimate goal for any team.

Conversation Topic: "What sports do you play, and what position do you play? Can you tell us about a memorable game?"


Activity 5: Traveling

Trips: 여행들 - سفرها

Bags: 가방들 - کیف‌ها

Flights: 비행들 - پروازها

Tours: 여행들 - تورها

Explores: 탐험들 - کاوش‌ها

Activity 5: Traveling

Travelers embark on exciting trips packing their essential bags. They board flights to distant destinations. Guided tours help them explore new places, and they enjoy discovering and exploring different cultures and landmarks.

Conversation Topic: "What is your favorite travel destination, and what did you enjoy about it? Can you share an exciting travel experience?"
