Who was the previous president of Estonia?
Kersti Kaljulaid
Name all the days of the week in the correct order.
Esmaspäev, teisipäev, kolmapäev, neljapäev, reede.
Name Estonian national bird.
Ütle tere ja naerata.
Say hi and smile.
Name all the neighbours of Estonia.
Finland, Latvia, Russia
Conjugate verb "OLEMA" (to be) in six possible ways (me, you, he/she, we, you, they)
Mina olen, sina oled, tema on, meie oleme, teie olete, nemad on.
Why is it said that Estonia is a country of music/singing?
Because of laulupidu / singing festival
Ütle oma parima sõbra nimi.
Say the name of your best friend.
What is the second biggest city in Estonia?
Introduce yourself shortly in Estonian (name, hobbies, where are you from).
Minu nimi on...
Minu hobid on...
Ma olen...
Name at least three Estonian national foods.
Kama, leib, verivorst, ...
Mine tahvli juurde ja joonista naerunägu.
Go to the whiteboard and draw an happyface.
What is the "capital" of Saaremaa?
Where is the verb in that sentence?
Kohe algab suvevaheaeg.
Who is Estonias one of the most famous writers? Hint: there is a park in Tallinn named after him.
Tõuse püsti, plaksuta kolm korda ja istu oma kohale tagasi.
Stand up, clap three times and sit down.
How many people live in Pärnu?
Approx. 40 000
There is a mistake in that sentence. Correct it.
Talle meeldin, et algab suvevaheaeg.
Talle meeldib, et algab suvevaheaeg.
What is the oldest theatre in Estonia and where is it?
Eesti Draamateater, in Tallinn.
Mine akna juurde, võta sealt üks padi ning kallista seda tugevasti.
Go to the window, take a pillow and hug it.