The only Founder to receive a doctorate degree
Who is Founder Eliza Pearl Shippen?
The FIFTH jewel in the Sigma
This Honorary Member wrote the Delta Oath.
Who is Mary Church Terrell?
Sorority Public Motto
What is the Torch of Wisdom?
President when the 1st National Convention was held
Who is Sadie T.M. Alexander?
President and valedictorian of her graduating classy; married a Founder of Omega Psi Phi
Who is Founder Edna Brown Coleman?
The Jewel Courtesy is dedicated to this group.
What is "Mothers of Delta Members"?
The five (5) components of the Minerva Circle of Identity
What is Sisterhood, Black, College, Women, Public Service?
Seven regions of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
What is Central, Midwest, Farwest, Eastern, Southern, South Atlantic, and Southwest?
Two (2) writers of the Delta National Hymn
Who are Alice Dunbar Nelson & Florence Cole Talbert?
Last surviving Founder in 1993; the first Black graduate of Washingtonville High School
Who is Founder Naomi Sewell Richardson
What is the Fourth Jewel in the Sigma?
Grand Chapter was created at this convention
What is the 1st National Convention?
Sorors response after three raps of the gavel during Delta meetings and ceremonies?
What is Stand:
Sorority Emblem
What is the Goddess Minerva, the Goddess of Wisdom?
Served as a Directress of the Harlem School of the Arts
Who is Founder Osceola McCarthy Adams?
To a noble cause is one of humanity’s highest callings and an act of consecration?
What is "Dedication"?
The two (2) writers of the Delta National Hymn
Who is Alice Dunbar Nelson & Florence Cole Talbert?
Designed by Soror Madree Penn White and comprised of three Greek letters, Δ (Delta),
Σ (Sigma), Θ (Theta).
Two components of the Fundamental Principles of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.?
What are the Nine Jewels and the Delta Oath?
The first vice president of Alpha Chapter; first Black teacher in Richmond County, NY; charter member of the Queens Alumnae Chapter.
Who is Founder Ethel Cuff Black?
The sixth Jewel in the Sigma
What is Jewel Honesty?
Year in which Delta Sigma Theta was incorporated
What is 1930?
Presented First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt to parents at the John Wesley AME Zion Church in 1945; had interactions with multiple US Presidents (including Williams H. Taft and John F. Kennedy)
Who is Founder Florence Letcher Toms?
This President established Delta's Five-Point Projects (now Five-Point Programmatic Thrusts)
Who is Dorothy Irene Height?