The first Roman Emperor
What popular alcoholic beverage is made from fermented rice?
Josh's middle name
On November, 7th 2024 at 2:55 PM what event occured?
Kirito defeated Heathcliff on the 75th floor
Darren's main role in the Crota fight in the Dark Below raid.
Hint - not the shot caller.Boomer sniper
Of which country was Greenland a colony until 1981?
What decade in the 19th century was the chicken nugget invented?
Ling Ling the sandpaper merchant
The location of the semi-legendary Viking stronghold that in present day was located roughly where?
Hint: southern coast of the Baltic Sea
What product is rum distilled from?
Sugar Cane
Who said this quote? "We both just wanna be good moms."
Nobody knows
The name of Josh's elite unit in AirMechArena
His lovely boys
How many days were there in one week in ancient Roman times?
Kiwifruit are indigenous to which part of the world?
Glaz - 11h 53m
Tisse skab is what translated to english?
Hint - Big meme
Pee Closet
Tyrone's weapon of choice in Dark souls
Black knight great sword
What was the first country to recognize the United States in 1789?
Which cookie mostly serve as a dessert in a Chinese restaurant located in the USA?
Fortune cookie
The first air-soft gun Maddog bought
M1A1 Thompson
Darren consumes three pieces of cardboard for every bunny that Griff rams down Tyrone throat. At the same time Josh writes down a tally for the amount of bunnies Griff rams down Tyrones throat but strikes a tally for every TWO pieces Darren consumes.. If Darren consumes 54 pieces of cardboard how many tallies does josh strike?
Tyrone goes through pleasures cycles that are the squared value of joshes1. 26
2. 676
If our group play in Minecraft was represntative of our real life survival efforts, what would be Darrens first measure to establish?
Jack O'Lanterns