What is a customer reference in S4?
Purchase Order Number
Order type for credit memo
Order Types for Return & Unplanned Return
Previously Known as DNS (Do Not Ship)
ZDM/ Debit Memo
Order type exclusively used for spec items without a sku
ZPRT/ Part Orders
Partner Tab
What order types do we use the text tab for
ZREPS/all when referencing legacy orders
In this tab you can verify the Sold-To & Ship To
You add a service cloud ticket number in this tab
Custom Fields
When do we use the Additional Data A tab?
Crediting checks & Legacy CCs
You can credit back a CC when referencing a Bart order
True. Within 60 days from when the order was placed.
Select this to view/adjust overall order
Display/Main Header
We always enter our initials in the custom fields
False. Service cloud ticket
Select this to view/adjust individual item info
Item Header
PART Material Number will always prompt a $ of $0.01
The item category must be changed when?
Charging ZPRT, Crediting ZRET/ZURT
To charge a return fee at the order level you must add what pricing type?
When charging shipping at the line level, what tab do you need to edit/adjust freight terms?
Conditions Tab
The Conditions tab consist of what?
Break down of pricing
This pricing type is used to adjust material (item) pricing
How can you check if an item is on back order during order creation?
Scheduled lines tab of item header
7th CX Order Type primarily used by Admins
ZEMP (Employee Order)
Now have their own material number
Coupons, Stop Shipment, Reconsignment, Parts, Storage Fee, Return Fee
*Bonus - Loyalty
Account terms/discounts will need to be manually applied
False. All account terms/disc will be automatically added
3 scenarios a cs rep would keep the ticket they created
Charging a ZPRT, ZDM, & requesting a freight quote