define zoology
the study of animals
what is the winter dormancy in mammals
who is the father of anatomy
andreas vesalius
who founded evolution
Charles Darwin
what is OTC mean?
over the counter
what is the study of plants
what are animals with backbones called
who published natural theology
william paley
what is phylogenetic tree showing all living things
tree of life
What are opioids?
Drugs derived from the opium poppy plant
the study of organisms to small to see
animals without backbones are called
who was a protestant pastor and a school master who lived in Strasbourg
Otto Brunfels
intermediate organisms linking types of living things found in fossil records
Transitional forms
What is the most illegal drug in the U.S.?
define ecology
the study of organisms interacting with their surroundings and each other
what are glands that produce milk called
mammary glands
Who published a book on Origin of species by means of Natural Selection
Charles Darwin
who published mutation hypothesis in 1901
Hugo De Vries
What is illegal in the U.S.?
what is human anatomy & physiology
the study of an organisms shape and structure
animals that eat meat are called
A teacher at the protestant university in Tubingen in southwestern Germany
Leonhard Fuchs
Darwin's original idea for evolution is a form of
What is powerful natural stimulant?