Why did Zacchaeus climb the sycamore tree?
He was too short and wanted to see Yahshua
I am the mother of Moses.
Name the Song:
"Yahshua is my light, Yahshua is my salvation;
Hear me Yahshua?
Where did Yahshua walk on water?
the Sea of Galilee
What David used to kill Goliath
Stone and sword
Name three of the plagues that Yahweh sent against Pharoh and Egypt because they refused to let His people go?
(any of the two) water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children
Which of these received a name that means "Son of Thunder"?
Name the Song
"In Thy kingdom come, that's where my heart finds joy."
Oh I
Which Assembly in revelation was brotherly
A special gift that was given to Joseph from his father
A coat of many colors
What did Jacob give to Joseph as a gift (this made his brothers more jealous)?
robe of many colors
What was the profession of Simon Peter and his brother Andrew before they were called by Yahshua?
How many Psalms are in the Bible?
Name 4 of the 7 Assemblies found in Revelation 1:11
What Moses used to turn the bitter waters sweet
What did Yahshua tell Simon Peter and Andrew to do when they were fishing with their father?
Follow me
My name means "deceiver."
Finish the Song:
HalleluYah, HalleluYah, HalleluYah, _____________
Praise the Name of Yah
Place where Elijah prayed and fire came down from heaven
Mt. Carmel
A plant that Yahweh prepared for Jonah
What was the name of the angel that appeared to Daniel to explain his vision?
When Yahshua had in mind to feed the five thousand, who did He ask where they shall buy the bread for the people to eat?
Name the song:
Through my trials, through my pain
Hard to see
Who immersed Yahshua
John, the Immerser
What Yahshua said that He would destroy and rebuild in 3 days
The temple (referring to His body)