A government crackdown on protesters in Beijing on June 4, 1989 took place in this square
Tianamen Square
This "stately" sushi order has crab, avocado & cucumber
A California Role
It can mean to fish by towing lures behind a boat, or to make intentional upsetting remarks online to elicit a response
One who puts down in words the story of another's life
With a name going back to Quechuan, it's strips of beef or pork that have been dehydrated or dried in the sun
When papal armies threatened Florence in 1529, this native son & genius with stone drew up plans to fortify the city
We're never gonna give up this bait-&-switch prank meme featuring Mr. Astley & an '80s pop h
Rick Rolling
When you lie in court under oath, you do this to "yourself"
"Mortal" word describing a jury that can't reach a verdict
This treat from Orville Redenbacher is "a little sweet, a little salty--and a whole lot of yummy"
Kettle Corn
Spain's second queen of this name took the throne in 1833
Hominid use of this variety of quartz to make tools goes back millions of years; we "-locked" it into early firearms a bit late
To squeeze uncomfortably, like certain snakes or like too tight shoes on your feet
There's one of these on Wabash Avenue spanning the Chicago River; don't try to cross when it's up
Relatively healthy, all you need is oil, salt, and this leafy green vegetable to make these chips.
52 Americans who were held hostage in 1979 & 1980 were seized from the U.S. embassy in this city
Preexisting rocks that roll with the changes in composition due to high temperature or pressure become this class of rock
To speak distinctly & clearly; it can also mean to unite by means of a joint
10-letter word for background music written to accompany a play, like Bizet's for 1872's "L'Arlesienne"
It's the 4-letter name for the sheets of seaweed that wrap around your sushi
Under revolutionary leader Emilio Aguinaldo, this country declared its independence from Spain in 1898
The Phillipines
Final "X" marks the spot for this striped silica variety; one example is the red-&-white banded carnelian
From Latin for "wave", it means to move in waves or ripples
This adjective for a defective argument begins with one of the 4 seasons
These little fish come packed in cans, like of King Oscar's Royal Selection