Adult treatments
Pediatric treatments
Trauma criteria
Hospital services
Random protocols

What is max dose of naloxone allowed to be given?



What are the routes and doses for versed in a pediatric seizure

IM: 0.1 mg/kg max of 4mg

IN 0.2 mg/kg max of 6 mg

IV 0.1 mg/kg 1-2 mg increments


What does the speed of a vehicle need to be in order to  meet mechanism of injury criteria in a car accident?

No speed needed.


What patients can you take to VA?

Veteran patients

Patients under CPR when VA is time closest facility

Patients with unstable airway when VA is time closest facility


When would you with hold narcan from an unconscious patient?

When an advanced airway is in place


What is sepsis criteria?

Hx from patient family or care home, S/S of UTI, respiratory infection, skin infection and older adults or immune compromised patients with unexplained ALOC and no signs to suggest stroke and any of the following 2 criteria

Temp of 100.4F> or <96.8F

RR >20

HR >90

Capnography <25


What are the doses and routes for suspected pediatric narcotic overdose?

0.1 mg/kg IV/IM/IN single max dose of 2.0 mg may repeat to total of 3 doses

Where do trauma patients that meet trauma triage criteria go when they have a VAD?



What services does Mercy General Provide?

Cath lab, Stroke center, L&D, orthopedics, VAD, ED


Can midwives assume primary care of delivering infant and managing postpartum hemorrhage?



What are the 5 signs of cardiac toxicity needed to be present to treat a TCA overdose?

HR >120 bpm

SBP <90 

QRS complex > 0.12 seconds


PVC >6 per/minute


What age can you intubate a pediatric patient?

8 years of age or green on broselow tape


What are examples of a trauma patient who may need a trauma center but do not meet trauma criteria?

Patients on blood thinners with unclear LOC

A clear HX of LOC 

Pregnancy >20 weeks


When can you contact Sutter Roseville for base medical control?

You may contact SRMC for trauma patients being transported to respective hospitals. You may no contact SRMC for medical (non-traumatic) patients.


What patients do we perform a 12-lead on?

Any adult patient with a complaint of CP

Patients over 40 with symptomatic bradycardia or symptomatic tachycardia.

Diabetic patients >30 years old with typical or atypical symptoms of ACS



Patients over 75 years of age of women >40 years of age with atypical signs and symptoms of ACS


How much fluid do you administer to a burn patient with a TBSA of burns >50% and a SBP of 100?

500 ml normal saline


What is normal HR and BP for a 0-3 month old patient?

HR 110-170

SBP 55-75 DBP 35-45


What is the physiologic trauma criteria?

Unable to follow commands (motor GCS<6)

RR <10 or >29 or respiratory distress with need for respiratory support (anything other than supplemental 02

Sustained HR >120 bpm

Room air Spo2 <90

Age 0-9 SBP <70 + 2x age

age 10-64 SBP <90 or HR>SBP

65> SBP < 110 or HR>SBP


What hospitals of L&D?

 All except KHN and VA


What are EMT's and Paramedics determination of death?

EMT: Decapitation, incineration of the torso and or head, decomposition, separation or destruction of brain and or heart from body, rigor mortis, livor mortis.

Paramedic: Traumatic injuries, 1) absences of all pulses and 2) systole by monitor in two leads or 3) PEA with rate <40 bpm


What times do we perform an APGAR score and what do we do with an infant with an APGAR score of 7?

1 and 5 minutes

APGAR of 7 or greater, place skin to skin with mother or if mother refuses wrap baby warmly and place cap on head and continue to assess mother.


What is the max amount of fluid you may give a patient weighing 50kg?

1L or 1000ML


What is anatomic criteria?

 All penetrating injuries to head, neck, torso and extremities proximal to the elbow and knee's

Skull deformity, suspected skull FX

Suspected fail chest, wall instability, or deformity

Suspected FX of 2 or more proximal long bone

Crushed, de-gloved, mangled or pulseless extremity proximal to wrist or ankle or pulseless extremity.

Amputation proximal to wrist or ankle

Suspected pelvic FX

Suspected spinal injury with new motor or sensory loss

Active bleeding requiring TQ or wound packing with continuous pressure.


Other than UCDMC what hospital has the most capabilities?



What pre-existing vascular access devices may paramedics access during cardiac arrest of pending cardiac arrest?

Arteriovenous shunts, peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC) and tunneled catheters.
