Who wrote the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
What are the three branches of the government.
Legislative, Executive and Judicial.
What are the two houses of Congress?
The House of Representatives and the Senate.
What does it mean to veto a law passed by Congress?
To reject it.
What are the first ten amendments called?
The Bill of Rights
What are the three named "unalienable rights" listed in the Declaration of Independence.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
What is the term of a Senator?
6 years
What is the term of a congressman (a member of the House of Representatives?
2 years
What does ratify mean?
To approve or adopt.
Which amendment abolished slavery?
The 13th Amendment.
What were the three purposes/results of the Declaration of Independence?
1. Explain the theory of government upon which the colonies were acting;
2. Justify separation from Great Britain by listing grievances;
3. Create a new country - the United States of America.
Which of the following is the commander in chief of the military:
The General Chief of staff.
The Vice President.
The President.
The Secretary of Defense.
The President
Is a presidential veto final? Explain.
No Congress can override a veto by a vote of 2/3 in both of the houses.
What is an ex post facto law?
Making criminal an act which occurred before it was declared to be illegal.
How many amendments are in effect today?
26 - the 18th Amendment (prohibition of liquor) was repealed by the 21st Amendment.
According to the Declaration of Independence where do our rights come from?
Our creator - they are inherent in our nature.
Which branch of government can declare war?
The Legislative branch.
What article of the Constitution explains the amendment process?
The 5th article.
What are Checks and Balances
Each branch of the government has power to limit or check the power of the other branches.
Which amendment changed the way the President and Vice President are elected?
The 12th Amendment.
What five principles of government are among the "self-evident truths" mentioned in the Declaration of Independence?
Governments are created by men to secure their god-given rights;
The power of the government comes from the people.
When any government fails to secure the people's rights, they are entitled to change that government.
According to the preamble, what are the six purposes of the Constitution?
Form a more perfect union
Establish justice
Insure domestic tranquility
Provide for the common defense
Promote the general welfare
Secure the blessings off liberty
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 gives power to Congress to all laws that are necessary and proper to carry out the powers given it by the constitution. This clause is called "The Necessary & Proper Clause". It is sometimes referred to as "The Elastic Clause". Why is that term used
It is called the elastic clause because it has been stretched to give powers to Congress and the Federal Government not listed in the Constitution.
What does bicameral mean and how is it applied to the government?
Having two branches or chambers. It refers to the two parts of the legislative branch - the Senate and the House of Representatives.
What are the two steps necessary to amend the Constitution?
1. An amendment must be proposed by 2/3 of both Houses of Congress or by 2/3 of the states in a Convention of States.
2. 3/4 of the states must ratify the proposed amendment.