Out of This World!
Who Do You Know Here?
Mother Earth
Welcome to the Jungle
This mysterious (and theoretical) substance composes 70% of the known universe.
What is Dark Matter?
Deciding that life needed more of a bang, this eventual philanthropist invented dynamite
Who is Alfred Nobel?
This “supervolcano” is located in North America, and last erupted 640,000 years ago. If it erupts again, it has the potential to wipe out the human race.
What is Yellowstone “Supervolcano”?
This organelle is known as the Powerhouse of the cell
What is the Mitochondria?
This animal is the only mammal that can fly.
What is a bat?
Einstein originally predicted the existence of this phenomena, 100 years ago, but evidence for it was only recently discovered this year
What are gravitational waves?
Although she is not given as much credit as her male colleagues, her work in x-ray crystallography was pivotal in the discovery of DNA
Who is Rosalind Franklin?
Temperatures in this desert reach so high that on a particularly hot day, you could literally cook an egg by frying it on a rock (preferably a clean one)?
What is Death Valley, CA?
This human organ uses 20% of the oxygen that comes into the body
What is the brain?
This animal sleeps an average of 18 hours a day.
What is a koala?
One teaspoon (5 milliliters) of material from this celestial object would have a mass over 5.5×1012 kg, which is about 900 times the mass of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
What is a Neutron Star
A member of the Manhattan Project, this famous American physicist was an expert in Mayan language, used to pick safes for fun, and was a notorious practical joker
Who is Richard Feynman?
At the bottom of this trench, the pressure is more than 1000 times that at the sea-level
What is the Mariana Trench?
Humans spend ⅓ of their lives on this activity
What is sleep?
This animal’s brain is the second most powerful and complex brain amongst animals (next to the human brain, of course)
What is a dolphin?
This specific term describes what would happen if a human being were to enter a black hole.
What is Spaghettification
This popular astrophysicist was recently involved in a rap battle with rapper B.o.B over whether or not the Earth is flat
Who is Neil DeGrasse Tyson?
If you were to jump off of this iconic mountain, you would easily reach terminal velocity (How exciting!)
Mount Everest
Although this antibiotic was discovered by accident, its discovery is widely regarded as one of the most important of the millennium
What is Penicillin?
This animal can jump 200 times its own height, equivalent to a 6ft human to jumping 365.76 meters in the air.
What is a flea?
If you were stuck on Mars, cultivating this vegetable might help you survive until you crew comes back for you (What would Matt Damon do?)
What are Potatoes?
This Mathematician had made so many discoveries that many of them were named after the second person who discovered them.
Who is Leonhard Euler?
Most of the world’s gold supply comes from this African country
What is South Africa?
A string of this thin (thinner than human hair) material has been proven to be stronger than a string of steel of the same dimensions.
What is spider silk?
This animal “proposes” its selected mate by finding the smoothest pebble and giving it to its partner.
What is a penguin?