The gift given in a sacrament is...
Forgiveness of sin
The Lord's Supper
Is another name for the Sacrament of the Altar
In and through Baptism we are..
Born again or become members of God's family just as in our physical birth we become member of our human family
We received forgiveness of sins by
God's grace often we just say GRACE
Missing the mark is another way to say .....
A sacrament must have_________ to be a sacrament.
Visible elements
Another name for Communion is
the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion
Water is the
Visible element in Baptism
Things given by grace are always a
__________ separates mankind (us) from God.
____________ instituted or commanded that we do the sacraments.
Who is GOD
The VISIBLE elements (things that can be seen) in Communion are...
Bread and Wine
The visible element in Baptism is....
We are saved by ......... according to Ephesians 2:8-9
James 2:10 tells us that if we fail to keep in every point, but one we...
become guilty of all.
The Lutheran Church has_________
The gift that is given in Communion is
the Forgiveness of sin
Mathew 28: 19-20
Is where we find God's command to Baptize in the Bible. Also called "the Great Commission".
We CAN or CAN NOT earn or work for God's grace.
God's grace and forgiveness are a gift and therefore cannot be earned
Jesus' death on the cross tells us that _______ has a great, great cost.
Forgiveness of sin is___
What is given, offered and sealed in each sacrament.
Where there is forgiveness of sin there is also..
Life and salvation or eternal life.
Baptism is where we formally become members of the
Christian Church
Grace for a Christian is
God's gift because of all Christ did for us.
Jesus died for the sin of the ________ ________.
whole world or all mankind or all people