What is a sacrament?
What is an outward sign of our internal faith.
How many sacraments of Initiation are there?
What is 3
What is 40 days of Lent.
How much sacraments can a priest perform?
What is 5 sacraments
What is the first book in the Bible?
What is Genesis
How many sacraments does the Catholic Church have?
What is seven
To have Matrimony you must have all sacraments of:
What is sacraments of Inatation
What do we do during examination of conscience?
What is calling to mind our sins.
Who can perform all 7 sacraments?
What is the pope and bishop.
What is the name of the schools campus minister?
Mr. Valdez
What are the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church?
What is Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconcillation , Annointing of the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders.
What do people need to make when getting Holy Orders?
What is a vocation
What is Transubstantiation?
What is when bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ.
How many sacraments can a deacon perform?
What is two sacraments
What is the homily?
What is fathers explanation of the readings after the Gospel
Who led the first communion?
What is Jesus at the last supper.
When did Confirmation get instituated?
What is Pentecost(when Holy Spirit came down to apostles.)
What is another name for transubstantiation?
What is consecration
What sacraments can a priest not perform?
What is Holy Orders and Confirmation.
What is Mr. Valdez' favorite biblical prophet? (hint: he is the last prophet)
What is John the Baptist
What do sacraments regularly remind us of?
What is God's grace
What does repentance mean during Reconciliation?
What is to turn towards to God.
What is a priest ordained to to preach and serve?
Preach-the gospel
serve-the faithful by celebrating Eucharist and other sacraments.
What sacraments can a deacon not perform?
What is Eucharist, Holy Orders, Confirmation, Reconciliation, and Anointing of the sick
What is the name of Mr. Valdez' dog
What is rocket