Name 2 symbols of baptism
water, candle, oil, white garment
This is the sacrament that brings us into God's family, the church?
What is baptism?
What is Reconciliation?
What is confessing our sins and asking God for forgiveness.
In which sacrament does a man become a priest?
What is Holy Orders?
This is the prayer Jesus gave us.
What is the Lords prayer (Our Father)?
When is the priest allowed to tell someone your sins?
What is never?
Who can be baptized?
This sacrament gives us the gift of God's forgiveness.
What is reconciliation?
What kinds of sins can be forgiven?
All, mortal/venial
This is the inner voice in our head that helps us judge our moral actions.
What is our conscience?
These are the rules God gave us so we can be good Christians.
What is are the 10 Commandments?
This is the main reason for the sacrament of Reconciliation.
What is... so we can confess our sins? or so... our sins can be forgiven?
This man baptized Jesus?
Who was John the Baptist?
These are the sacraments for healing.
What are Anointing of the Sick and Reconciliation?
What is the first thing we do before receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation?
What is making an examination of conscience?
In which sacrament do people receive the gift of marriage?
What is Matrimony?
These are the two types of sins we commit.
What are mortal and venial?
A Prayer that we say in the confessional that shows true contrition?
What is the Act of Contrition?
What does the water in which we are baptized symbolize?
What is the washing away of Original sin?
In this sacrament we receive the Body and Blood of Christ.
What is Eucharist?
Is there a sin that will not be forgiven?
What is no, if we are sorry and ask for forgiveness all of our sins are forgiven.
Of all the sacraments, this one can only be received by the select group of people.
What is Holy Orders?
This is another name for a follower of Jesus.
What is a disciple, apostle or Christian ?
This part of the Reconciliation sacrament follows the Act of Contrition.
What is absolution?
People chosen to help the person being baptized grow in their faith
What are Godparents?
What sacrament is necessary to have been received before you make First Communion?
What is baptism?
This is something the priest tells you to do to show repentance, before you leave the confessional.
What is doing Penance?
How long must we fast from eating food before receiving Communion?
What is one hour?
These words mean, God has given us the choice to make our own decisions.
What is free will ?
True or False, we should go to confession at least once a month?
What is false? It is a personal decision. The church requires Catholics to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation at least once a year. Or whenever we feel like we need to receive God's forgiveness.
Who is authorized to Baptize?
What is a Priest, deacon, or bishop?
What is the liturgy called where we receive the Eucharist, the Body of Christ?
What is the Mass?
What do we call the part of confession when God forgives your sins?
What is Absolution?
What are the seven sacraments given to us by Jesus Christ?
What are Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the sick?
This is an oil used to anoint the sick or someone being baptized.
What is Oil of Chrism?
This is a life long process that changes our hearts, heals us and brings us closer to God.
What is conversion?