Where people go to confession to say sorry for their sins
What is Reconciliation
An eternal unity between a man and a woman
What is Marriage
This is the anointing of a Catholic child or person using holy water to wipe them from original sin.
What is baptism
a special church service in which a person confirms the promises that were made when they were baptized.
What is Confirmation?
the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time
What is holy orders
A situation where a person has decided to abstain from sin
What is repentance?
A symbol that unites people
What is a ring?
The water used to purify a baby during baptism
What is Holy Water?
The Sacrament of confirmation is usually led by this person
Who is a Bishop?
A man who is ordained to lead a parish and say mass
Who is a Priest?
This is when God allows people to get closer to him even after they sin
What is forgiveness?
This are the promises that are vowed to be kept in a marriage its like an oath you have to keep
What is a vow?
A living soul that has no consciousness of good and bad
What is a baby
The oil used in Confirmation
What is Chrism oil?
When a bishop puts their hands on someone being ordained and prays for them
What is Ordination?
The act of doing a good deed to make up for past wrongs
What is Penance?
The person that officiates the marriage
What is a Priest?
This is the person who baptizes people
Who is a bishop/priest?
chosen by the person to be confirmed and imposed by the bishop in Confirmation
What is a saint name
Jesus had 12 (blank)
Who were the apostles
What makes the soul start again
what is mercy
A item that conforms that these people are together
What is a marriage license
Where Jesus got baptised
What is the Jordan River?
The vow of chastity, and poverty, which is taken by priests and religious, is known as this type of vow.
This is the name for the special clothing worn by priests during Mass.
What is a Chasuble?