The matter of the sacrament of Matrimony is....
1)rings 2)baptized man and woman
The form of the sacrament of Holy Orders is called the...
How many degrees of holy orders are there?
What is three?
What is pope?
Holy Orders and Matrimony are both Sacraments of what?
What is service?
In order to celebrate marriage or holy orders, what sacrament does a person need to first celebrate?
What is baptism?
the free and undeserving gift of Gods love to us
Nuns are one of the degrees of holy orders.
What is False.
Definition of sacrament
a visible sign instituted by Christ to give us grace
What is the matter of Holy Orders?
Laying on of the hands.
The form of matrimony, which the man and woman promise to one another is...
"I take you" or "I do"
-major surgery
yes you can receive it multiple times
These men through the sacrament of holy orders share the same title Christ gave his 12 apostles. They are ministers of 5 of the 7 sacraments.
Who is a priest?
Definition of Reconciliation (the roof)
the sacrament in which we are cleansed from our sins
What is the form of reconciliation?
" I absolve you of your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
The goal of a husband and a wife is to help one another and their children get where?
What is the matter of Reconciliation/confession?
verbal confession of our sins
This man has the fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders (has received it 3 times)
Who is the bishop?
Original sin, venial sin, and mortal sin
Who is the minister of marriage?
Who is the husband and wife?
What does the couple receive in the sacrament of Matrimony?
1)gifts of the Holy Spirit
What are the 3 things we receive in Anointing of the Sick?
1)comfort in suffering 2)grace 3)forgiveness of sins
Why are keys a symbol of holy orders?
What is Jesus gave to Peter the of the Kingdom when he made him the priest Pope.
Definition of Holy Orders
the sacrament in which a man becomes a priest and vows to lead the church in the way of God
What is the form for Anointing of the Sick?