What is the form of confirmation?
"Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit"
Who is called to holiness?
During the anointing of the sick, which body part is anointed?
the hands
Eucharist literally means...
What is theology?
the study of God
Someone who has never been baptized before but desires to be initiated into the Catholic Church is called a...
Who is/are the minister(s) of the sacrament of holy orders? Who is/are the minister(s) of the sacrament of marriage?
What is the matter of the sacrament of reconciliation?
contrition, confession, and penance
Viaticum is a Latin word which means...
provisions/food for the journey
Blessings, consecrations, and exorcisms are all examples of....
A prayer of praise to the Blessed Trinity which ends the Eucharistic Prayer is the:
What does a priest's stole represent?
the priest's authority
If someone goes to confession because of imperfect contrition, are they forgiven?
Yes! (Cleaning your room example)
Extreme Unction means ____________.
Last anointing
Name at least FOUR differences between a problem and a mystery.
Accuracy of answers determined by Mrs. McGurran
What is the epiclesis?
A prayer which calls down the Holy Spirit
What are the four essential elements of a Catholic marriage AND what does each element mean?
Free - full consent; not being forced or coerced in any way
Total - all in; holding nothing back
Faithful - Forever and always; lifelong
Fruitful - opens to children and giving life
What are the three conditions which make a sin mortal?
1. The sin must be of grave matter.
2. The sinner must be aware that the sin is of grave matter.
3. The sinners must fully consent to the action.
Confirmation comes from the Latin word confirmare which means...
to strengthen
The process for adults to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church was formerly called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) but is now called .....
OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults)
With what is a baby anointed with at his/her baptism? Which body parts are anointed? Be specific!
Oil of Catechumens on the chest (with a prayer of exorcism)
Chrism oil on the forehead (connection to confirmation)
Name at least TWO reasons why a Catholic marriage should take place within a Mass.
Sacramental marriage is a liturgical act.
When you get married you take on new responsibility in the Church.
You need to have witnesses to be married.
Having people witness the “I do” and pray for the couple helps them remain faithful.
How did the Second Vatican Council change the practice of anointing of the sick?
Before Vatican II, only those who were actively dying could receive anointing of the sick. After Vatican II, that was expanded to include anyone who was sick, the elderly, or anyone undergoing surgery.
dwelling place
What were the first names of Mrs. McGurran's grandparents who spoke to our class?
Joan and Peter