What is the name of the song from Chicken Little that's really good?
One Little Slip
Who is my favorite character from Glee?
Kurt Hummel
What's my favorite movie?
Another Country
Who is my least favorite friend
What is Judas's last name and what is so weird about it?
Iscariot; he wasn't wealthy and only wealthy people at that time had last names.
What is my favorite musical?
Who is my favorite character from the bible?
Mary Magdalene
When did Another Country come out?
What street does Anani live on?
What are the four different reasons that Judas betrays Jesus in the gospels?
For money, because he's mad Jesus isn't overthrowing the Roman Empire, because he's possessed by the devil, and because he is the devil.
Who is my favorite pop girl?
Olivia Rodrigo
Who is my favorite character from Breaking Bad?
Gustavo Fring
Who is the main antagonist of Another Country
What is the name of the friend who most recently asked to come over?
Who was Mary Magdalene?
A disciple of Jesus
What is the second concert I've ever went to?
Who is my favorite Squid Game charater?
What is my least favorite genre?
What animal does Levi resemble?
A Chameleon
In the gnostic gospels, who really sees Jesus?
Who WAS my favorite musician before he got outed as being a domestic abuser, groomer, and assaulter?
Wilbur Soot
What is my favorite animal?
What is my favorite genre?
What is Annabella's nickname?
In the gnostic gospels, why does Jesus laugh at his disciples on the floor thanking God for their food?
He laughs at them because they're thanking God for materialistic things when the materialistic world is evil.