Write the word for: arousing hatred; disgusting, detestable
(spelling counts)
Write the word for: to walk slowly or stroll at an easy pace
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Write the word for: not clear; having two or more possible meanings
Write the word for: a person who refuses to follow established ideas or ways of doing things.
(spelling counts)
Write the word for: to tear to pieces; split violently apart
Write the word for: to fool, deceive; to mislead
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Write the word for: big and strong; muscular
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Write the word for: to stop short and refuse to go on; to prevent from happening; an illegal motion by a pitcher in baseball
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Write the word for: to pull loose by force; to look at closely or inquisitively; to be nosy
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Write the word for: to set aside for a special purpose; to mark an animal's ear for identification
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What is a synonym for engulf?
Samples: encompass, immerse, swallow up, overwhelm, consume
What is a synonym for distort?
Samples: disfigure, misshape, falsify, mislead
What is a synonym for confer?
Samples: consult, talk, deliberate, award, honor, bestow
What is a synonym for resourceful?
Samples: inventive, ingenious, skillful, effective, clever
What is a synonym for implement?
Samples: device, utensil, instrument, tool, fulfill, accomplish, achieve, apply
What is a antonym for initiative?
Samples: laziness, sloth, shiftlessness
What is an antonym for inevitable?
Samples: avoidable, escapable, preventable
What is an antonym for indisputable?
Samples: questionable, debatable, arguable
What is the antonym of prevail?
Samples: to be defeated, give-up, surrender, succumb
What is an antonym of thrive?
Samples: wither, fail, weaken
What is the part of speech for memento?
What is the part of speech for ingrained?
What is the part of speech for scant?
What is the part of speech of relic?
What is the part of speech for valiant?