What modifiable risk factor is the leading cause of stroke?
The majority of new spinal cord injuries in the United States are caused by what?
MVA's (SAE - 2007)
Name the three muscles innervated by AIN
1. FPL
2. FDP 2,3
3. PQ
Double limit support is what % of gait cycle?
Lateral scapula winging is primarily due to weakness in which muscle?
You're patient on IPR had a stroke. When speaking with her, she is unable to complete sentences. She is able to understand you and can repeat. What type of aphasia do they have?
Transcortical motor
What brace does a person require for a stable C1 burst fracture (Jefferson) ?
Halo cervical brace
Name of entrapment site for ulnar nerve at elbow
Arcade of struthers
Genu Recurvatum is seen with weakness in what muscle group? What brace do you treat with? (Need both for points)
Weak knee extensors (quadriceps)
Swedish knee cage
The earliest weakness seen in skeletal muscle in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is located in what muscle groups?
Neck flexors
A patient with locked-in syndrome is still fully conscious because of what area of the brain being spared?
reticular activating system
What is the leading cause of death in patients with spinal cord injury who survive the first 24 hours?
Needle EMG of which muscle poses the biggest threat to causing a pneumothorax?
What level of amputation is this?
Ankle disarticulation with attachment of heel pad to distal end of tibia
What is the most commonly affected joint in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)?
Which type of traumatic brain injury results in the most morbidity?
A)Epidural hematoma
B)Diffuse axonal injury
C) Subarachnoid hemorrhage
B. diffuse axonal injury (SAE 2008)
What nerve is the primary source of nerve supply to the intervertebral disc?
Sinuvertebral nerve
If you saw PSW/fibs in infraspinatus but not in supraspinatus.....where is the lesion?
Spinoglenoid notch
The gluteus maximus is in eccentric contraction during which phase of gait?
Initial Contact
IT Band originates from what three muscles?
Glute maximus
Glute medius
What is the most common endocrine abnormality following a traumatic brain injury?
Growth hormone deficiency
Type of thoracic/lumbar fracture that extends from spinous process through the vertebral body? What type of brace would you prescribe? (need both for points)
Chance fracture - Jewett/CASH brace
The process by which muscle fibers fire regularly together in complex repetitive discharges is called
Ephaptic transmission
Where is the ground reaction force vector located during mid-stance? (in relation to hip, knee, ankle)
Posterior to Hip
Anterior to knee and ankle
Which blood vessel is most likely to compress the trigeminal nerve?
Superior cerebellar artery