Pastor of Saeum Church
Who is
S.B Lee (이상배 목사님)
Gloria and Martin's korean names
박은빈 & 김민석
Fill in the missing blank:
An eye for an eye, a _____ for a _____
What is
a tooth?
The life teachings of Jesus included in the New Testament
What are
the Gospels
Direction the sun rises from
What is
the East?
Year the church was founded
When is
Gloria's MBTI
What is
Number of people on Noah's ark
What is
8? (Noah + wife, 3 sons + wives)
This King was controlled by the Romans when Jesus was born
Who is
King Herod
The periodic table symbol for Carbon
What is
Full address of the church
Where is
15 Antoine Street, Rydalmere NSW 2116 Australia
Number of siblings Martin has
What is
1 sibling
Weapons Goliath carrying when he was slain by David.
(Bow, sword, knife, rock, spear, slingshot, arrow)
Spear & sword
Jesus grew up here
Where is
Nemo: type of fish
What is
a Clownfish
Number of 청년's registered at Saeum
What is
Date of their wedding
25th May
First King of Israel anointed by Samuel
Who is
King Saul
Paul wrote letters here.
What is
The four countries that make us United Kingdom
What is
England, Scotland, Wales & NORTHERN Ireland
The 6 slogans of our church
What is
균형과 변화, 사람과 가족, 자율과 질서, 믿음과 인격, 선택과 집중, 책임과 역할
Year Gloria and Martin met
When is
Shortest book in the Old Testament
What is
Fruit of the Holy Spirit
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control
Year of the moon landing
When is