True or False: A high-five from a friend is an example of a safe touch.
Which of the following is an example of a safe touch?
A) A pat on the back after a good game
B) A hug you don’t want
C) Someone grabbing your wrist and pulling you
D) None of the above
Your friend wants to hold hands, but you don’t feel comfortable. What can you say or do?
Answers will vary
True or False: If someone gives you a hug and you don’t want one, it’s okay to say “No, thank you.”
If someone gives you an unwanted touch, what should you do?
A) Stay quiet and hope it doesn’t happen again
B) Tell a trusted adult right away
C) Ignore it and walk away
D) Pretend it didn’t happen
B) Tell a trusted adult right away
A family friend gives you a big hug, but it makes you feel uncomfortable. What should you do next?
Answers will vary.
True or False: If an adult tells you to keep a touch a secret, you should always keep it a secret.
Who is a trusted adult you can talk to if you experience an unwanted touch?
A) A teacher
B) A parent or guardian
C) A school counselor
D) All of the above
D) All of the above
Someone at school keeps touching your hair even though you asked them to stop. How should you handle the situation?
Answers will vary.
True or False: Only strangers can give unwanted touches.
What should you do if a friend keeps poking you, even after you’ve asked them to stop?
A) Poke them back so they know how it feels
B) Tell them firmly, "I don’t like that. Please stop."
C) Ignore it and hope they stop on their own
D) Never talk to them again
B) Tell them firmly, "I don’t like that. Please stop."
Your little cousin wants to sit on your lap, but you don’t feel okay with it. How can you respond in a respectful way?
Answers will vary.
True or False: If someone makes you feel uncomfortable with a touch, you should tell a trusted adult.
If you realize that you touched someone in a way that made them uncomfortable, what should you do?
A) Say sorry and respect their personal space in the future
B) Tell them they’re overreacting and keep doing it
C) Ignore it because it wasn’t a big deal to you
D) Wait for them to get used to it
A) Say sorry and respect their personal space in the future
What are three things you can do if someone touches you in a way that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable?
Answers will vary.