When is the best time to use the restroom?
In between lessons or during work time.
You weren't paying attention in line and forgot to get ketchup, milk, a fork, and a napkin. What's wrong with this?
You should get everything in one trip.
How do you get from the building to the bus?
Walk and stay on the sidewalk.
You need to sharpen your pencil, but the teacher is doing a lesson. What should you do?
Trade for a sharpened pencil in the can, or wait until the lesson is over.
What should you do if there is a mess?
Report it to an adult. If it is your mess- clean it up.
When you are waiting for your tray you start yelling to Ms. April what you want on your tray, but there are people in front of you. What's wrong with this?
Wait your turn, she can't hear the people in front of you when you shout out.
What kind of language should you use with classmates and the bus driver?
Kind and appropriate language.
What is the BEST way to get your teacher's attention?
Sit in your seat, quietly, and raise your hand.
When the light is turned off, what do you do?
Turn your voice off.
What are consequences for misbehavior on the bus?
Fines and loss of privileges.
How we walk down or up the stairs
One at a time
By doing what you are asked.
If you have an accident, what should you do?
Ask to go to the nurse or talk to an adult in private. Do NOT stuff your soiled clothes ANYWHERE!
What needs to be done before you leave the cafeteria?
Clean up after yourself.
What you do with your hands, feet, and other objects on the bus
Keep them to yourself.
You are shouting down the hall to your friend in another class, what's wrong with this?
It is irresponsible and disrespectful to classes.
How should you wait in line?
Facing forward, hands by side, voice off.
Which bathroom are you allowed to use?
The one in the classroom.
What should you do during lunch?
Eat, then talk to people close to you.
What is the purpose of the bus?
To take you home. Let the driver and aide do their jobs!