Self-Esteem Skills
Authenticity Skills
Communication Skills
Coping Skills
Health & Wellness

What activity did we complete together in group to start practicing our self-esteem skills? 

You could choose from 3 different journal prompts that focused around self-esteem (worksheets)


What activity did we complete together in group to start developing our authenticity and our values?

"Personal Values Activity" 

We placed the values card into piles: very important to me, important to me, and not very important to me 

We then identified the most important value to us and had a discussion 


What activity did we complete together in group to start practicing our communication skills?

Completed role-playing activity and had a discussion afterwards to learn from each others experiences 


What activity did we complete together in group to start practicing potential coping skills?

Completed "Stressful Situations Savers" Activity

We hung up coping skills around the room and stood by the coping skill that we believed we would utilize to help ourselves for the stressful situation that was identified by staff  


What activity did we complete together in group to start developing health and wellness skills?

We created a SMART Goal worksheet and identified realistic health and wellness goals 


What is Self-Esteem? 

How we value and perceive ourselves

A reflection of what you think and how you feel about yourself


What are Values? What is Authenticity? 

Value: "the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something"

Authenticity: "of undisputed origin; genuine" & "worthy of acceptance or belief as conforming to"


What are Boundaries? 

Boundaries: "invisible line you draw around yourself to identify what is acceptable behavior"


What are Coping Skills? 

Coping Skills: "mechanisms as the conscious thoughts and behaviors used to deal with stressful situations"


What is Health and Wellness? 

Health is a state of being & wellness is the state of living a healthy lifestyle


How can you tell if your self-esteem is improving? 

Becoming more confident / Doubting your decisions less / Less negative self-talk / Less anxiety and depressive symptoms / More open to new experiences   


What are examples of values? 

Family / Challenge / Freedom / Compassion / Friendship / Autonomy / Humor / Open-Mindedness / Popularity / Risk / Self-Acceptance / Tradition / Acceptance... 


How do you know when you need to set boundaries? 

Listen to your body/mind (ex. red flag feeling) / Start feeling uncomfortable / Increase in symptoms / Look for cues in people around you who practice healthy boundaries  


When might you use coping skills? 

Experiencing an increase in symptoms (ex. anxiety, stress, fatigue, depression, low motivation, PTSD) 

Continue practicing regularly to help maintain a baseline and to develop a routine 


How does SMART goal setting and incorporating health and wellness mindfulness in your life correlate together?

Accountability Plan

Clear steps to reach goals 


Why is working on your self-esteem skills important for your mental health?

Can help you develop self-love 

Can help you identify your strengths 

Can help you develop coping skills

Can help you handle adversity in your life

Can help you put negativity into perspective


Why is working on your authenticity and values important for your mental health?

By identifying our values, we establish a basic guide for us in our life

Can help determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices

Can help you increase psychological well-being, decrease anxiety, and decrease depression

Can provide positive benefits to our view of our worth and abilities, and increase self-respect


Why is working on your communication skills and setting boundaries important for your mental health?

Improve self-esteem

Bring focus to yourself & well-being

Create and develop more independence 

Gain greater understanding of yourself (values)

Avoid burnout

Greate sense of identify (authenticity) 


Why is working on coping skills important for your mental health?

Can help reduce symptoms you are expericing 

Why is working on your health and wellness skills important for your mental health?

Doing things that make you feel good, happy or meaningful will increase your mental wellness, resulting in an increase in your mental health


What are some ways we can incorporate working on our self-esteem development? 

Journaling / Talking to yourself in the mirror / Writing positive affirmation statements / Writing yourself notes/letters / Applauding yourself / Not talking yourself down to others / Being kind to yourself


What are some ways for you to incorporate your important values on a day-to-day basis? 

Incorporate people in your life with similar values / Consider your values when making decisions / Schedule important activities in your life  


What are ways for you to keep practicing your communication skills independently? 

Ask your ARHMS worker to role play mock conversations together / Practice setting boundaries on safe people / Practice hard conversations in front of a mirror / Practice conversations in your car (other private spaces)  


What are some coping skills that you use in your life?

Talk to a friend / Exercise / Care for Pets (Cuddle) / Organize your Problems / Listen to Music / Go for a Walk / Go for a Drive / Deep Breathing / Journal / Play Dough / Jigsaw Puzzles (Games) / Art and Crafts 


What are health and wellness activities you can practice independently? 

Making yourself a well balanced meal / Hygiene (ex. getting dressed, brushing teeth, showering) / Self-Care (ex. planning leisure activities, time with friends, setting aside time for coping skills) / Exercise (ex. take your dog on a walk, walk up the stairs instead of elevator, park far away from the door, complete an at home YouTube video, and stretch) 
