Define: Spreading rumors and/or harassing another person through email, texting, or social media sites like Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
What is cyber bullying?
Define: Unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.
What is bullying?
True or false?
Brain imaging research show that screen technologies and cocaine affect the brain's frontal cortex the same way.
Experts report that using tech devices is a form of a "digital drug". Winning a video game releases dopamine in your brain the same way nicotine triggers the release of dopamine, often leading to addiction.
Any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health.
What is SELF CARE?!
Seventeen-year-old Scott posts online, that his math teacher is a racist. Can his teacher successfully sue him for his post?
Yes, if the teacher discovers the statement, they can show that it is false and damages their reputation.
If you write something that’s false about someone and damages their reputation, in most instances, you can be sued for money damages—it’s called defamation of character.
What is it called when you see someone being bullied by another classmate. You can tell the victim is getting upset but you think it's not my problem and ignore it.
What is being a bystander?
True or false?
Tweens spend less time outside than prisoners.
True! :(
That’s less than one hour a day. These shocking stats were from a survey of 2,000 parents of 5 to 12-year-olds. The survey – part of Percil’s Dirt is Good campaign – revealed the following:
Identify at least 3 ways that we can take care of our physical well being?
-Exercise (something as simple as going for a walk or just moving your body for 20 minutes a day)
-Get enough sleep (most people need 8-9 hours of sleep to function optimally)
-Eat healthy, well balanced meals with nutrients that will fuel your body (fruits & vegetables)
Creating a social media account using a pseudonym (a fake name) will ensure that your posts remain anonymous. True or false?
False!!! There’s no true anonymity on the Internet—ever. An “anonymous” social media account can be traced back to you in a number of different ways.
The ability to understand how another person feels and why the person feels that way.
What is empathy?
Increased stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and disrupting sleep are all examples of what?
Negative effects of excessive amounts of screen time/screen addiction.
Identify at least 3 ways that we can take care of our emotional well being?
-Positive self-talk/positive self image
-Journal...write it down
-spend time with a friend or family member
-meditate/breathing exercises
-spend time doing activities that you enjoy (i.e. reading, sports, dancing, musical instrument, painting, drawing or other hobbies)
Under the federal Communications Privacy Act, publicly funded colleges are prohibited from denying you admission into the college based on things you’ve posted online. Is this true or false?
False! What you say and do online can absolutely be used against you by college admissions officers and employers.
It’s becoming increasingly common for college admissions officers and prospective employers to check out your digital footprint before admitting you into school or offering you a job. Be careful what you post!
What are possible negative outcomes of being bullied?
-developing depression and anxiety
-increased feelings of sadness and loneliness
-changes in sleep and eating patterns
-loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy.
These are all issues may persist into adulthood.
What ways can you mindfully work against screen addiction or limiting screen time?
-No screens at meals
-Designated screen free time
-Spend more time outside
-Read a book
-Talk to someone face to face
-Play a screen-less game
The ability to adapt to stress, adversity, trauma or tragedy.
What is Resiliency? An ability to bounce back from challenging life situations. It's in you!
You deserve to take time for self care!
In 2015, more people died taking selfies than from shark attacks. True or false?
True! :(
It sounds quite astonishing but selfie deaths (and serious injuries) are a regular occurrence. Falling off cliffs, crashing cars, being hit by trains, shooting themselves posing with guns, and the list goes on. Be sure to think twice before breaking out your selfie stick.
How can you be a defender?
You see someone getting bullied and you go up to the victim and help them get away from the bully or you tell an adult about the situation.
In what ways does screen time before you go to bed affect your sleep?
-take you longer to fall asleep
-make you more alert when you want to wind down.
-feel more tired and less alert when you wake up
-mess with and delay your circadian clock rhythm or your "body clock"
-suppress your melatonin secretion when you need it most (Melatonin is a hormone made by the pineal gland. That's a pea-sized gland found just above the middle of your brain. It helps your body know when it's time to sleep and wake up.)
-decrease your REM sleep (REM sleep is a stage of sleep that is critical for restoration of your mind and body. REM sleep solidifies memories and is tied to your creative and problem-solving skills. If you don’t get enough of it, it can leave you feeling groggy and having difficulty concentrating the next day. )
Acting in a positive way towards yourself when you are having a difficult time, fail, or notice something you don’t like about yourself. Instead of just ignoring your pain, you stop to tell yourself “this is really difficult right now,” how can I care for myself in this moment? What do I need?
What is Self Compassion? Love yourself. Make the commitment to make your life the best it can be.