Online Safety
Body Safety
School Safety
Home Safety
Overall Safety

I can give someone online my address if 

A. I've been talking to them for a month 

B. They have good manners and are nice 

C. They have the same interest and hobbies as me

D. Never

Answer: D NEVER you can never be 100% sure that the person you are talking to is a safe person who you can trust with this infromation

Points: -10 


Someone touches you and it makes you uncomfortable what do you do?


Say NO 


Tell Someone you trust

Points: +9


There is a tornado coming towards the school, what do you do to stay safe?

School Counselor will determine if the answer is appropriate 

Turn on radio or tv

Get to safe spot 

D- downstairs somewhere

U- get under something 

C- get to center of house if you do not have a downstairs

K- keep away from windows


You decide to go to your friends house down the street but don't tell anyone where you are going is that safe? 

Answer: No if something happens to you no one will know where you went and it will make finding you harder. 

Points: +10


A stranger ask you for help what is the safe thing to do?

School Counselor will determine if answer is appropriate 

Points: -2


When you make your username you should, 

A. Make one that does not give clues about who you are

B. Use your first name and birthday

C. Use your real name 

D. Do whatever you want

Answer: A 

Points: +9 


Who are some adults who are safe people you can talk to if someone has touched you and made you feel uncomfortable. 

School Counselor will determine if answer is appropriate or not 

Points: +6


At school the fire alarm goes off what do you do?



Leave everything where it is 

Line up quickly

Get outside 

Points: +1


Your father is working and your mother is taking a shower. Someone rings your doorbell do you answer the door?

Answer: No. 

Points: -3


Someone ask you to ignore your parents' rules, keep a secret, or pressures you to go with them what do you do?

Answer: Go tell a trusted adult. DO NOT listen to the stranger 

Points: +4

True or false 

You should ALWAYS log off when you leave a computer/device 

Answer: True 

Points +4


If someone is every touching you and makes you feel uncomfortable is it your fault that this happened? 

Answer: NO it is never your fault EVER! 

Points: +8


There is an intruder ( unsafe) person trying to enter our school what do you do?



Get to safe spot in room- Avoid windows

Be Quiet

If needed throw items in the room at intruder 

If you can get outside walk to your safe spot outside 

Points: +3


You find a gun that your father owns in the house. You think it would be cool to shoot the gun. Is this safe?

Answer: NO! People have to get license to shoot guns and take a safety course so they know how to use the gun properly

Points: -10


Choose which answer is the safe and healthy choice

A. Taking medicine that you found on the ground or taking medicine from a stranger

B. Drinking, eating junk food, not exercising, and Smoking

C. Eating healthy and getting exercise 

D. Petting a dog/animal without asking for permission from the owner or petting an animal that you find outside alone

Answer: The safe and healthy answer is C.

Points: +10


True or False 

Sending pictures, meeting up in person, and sharing personal information online is safe. All you are doing is making friends. 

Answer: False 

Points -8


Someone has touched you and made you feel unsafe and yucky. You told a trusted adult but that adult told you she/he was too busy to listen to you or did not believe you. What do you do?

Answer: Go find a different adult. Tell as many adults or people you have to until the touching stops. 

Points: +7


There is a bully who is bullying in you and threatens you. What is the safe thing to do?

School Counselor will decide if answers are appropriate 

Points: -7


Your mom is making mac and cheese on the stove. You decide you want to help her and go over to the stove while she is not looking. Is this safe?

Answer: No, you could burn yourself if the boiling water gets on your skin or you touch the stove. 

Points: +6

You are in the car with your family. The driver is texting while driving and runs a red light. You also do not have your seat belt on. True or false is this safe?

Answer: False this is not safe

Points: +8


True or False 

Making your account private and only accepting/letting individual you know in real life follow you is safe. 

Answer: True 

Points: +5


Is it okay for people to touch you where your bikini would be?

Answer: Yes and No 

If a doctor or parent is touching you there for a short period of time to put medicine or check that you are healthy that is okay. 

If someone is touching you there for a LONG time that is not okay! That is your private area and no one should touch that for a long period of time. 

Points: +6


An earthquake is happening what do you do?



Get to safe spot and cover your head

Points: -5


You are home alone while your parents run to the store. You forget to lock the door and forget to blow out the candle before you go into your room. Why is this dangerous?

School Counselor will determine if the answer is appropriate or not. 



At school I don't have to listen to my teachers. I am old enough to decide what to do. Is this a smart and safe decision?

Answer: No

Points: +5
