Online Safety
Street Smarts
Personal Safety
Mental Health

True or False: Only your friends can see what you post on social media

False: there are many different ways someone can see parts or all of your social media profile, which is why it's important to be mindful of our privacy settings


What is a stranger?

A stranger is anyone you don't know, even if they seem friendly.


What number should you call in case of an emergency?

What is 911


Your friend tells you that they've been feeling down for a while, but they don't know who to talk to about it. Who should you tell them to talk to?

There are many resources for when someone is feeling like they need someone to talk to;

- Helpline

- School counsellor

- Trusted adult


You want to share a fun adventure on your social media. Should you post your location while you're there or after you leave?

After you leave


True or False: It's okay to go off on your own when you need to and not tell anyone where you are.

False: You should always let a trusted person know where you are at all times


A stranger rings your doorbell while you're home alone. Do you answer the door?

No. Always check before answering the door when home alone, and if the person is a stranger, stay quiet and avoid letting them know you are home. 


A friend has begun calling you a nickname that you don't like. Should you stop being friends with them?

We need to talk to our friends about our likes and dislikes, as this is called setting boundaries. If our friend continues to call us the nickname after we expressed our dislike for it, and how it may hurt out feelings, then we may need to re-evaluate the friendship.


You're getting to know a new online friend when they send you a message telling you where they live, including their home address, asking for yours in return. Do you give it to them?

No, you should never share personal information such as your home address, full name, school name or personal information about your family with someone you have never met before


True or False: Every adult I know is trustworthy

False: Not every adult you know will be trustworthy. Trust and building trust are unique to every person, so it's natural that everyone will have different safe people, as well as different amounts of time to build trust. You have to decide what trustworthiness means to you. 


You're walking home from school and a car pulls up beside you. The driver of the car tells you they know your parents, and are heading to your house to see them right now, so they offer you a ride. Should you accept?

No. You should never get in a car with someone you don't know.


Positive self-talk helps us with?

Negative thoughts about ourselves


You made a mistake online and are now in a situation where you are uncomfortable. What do you do?

Hey, we're human - we all make mistakes. But it’s never too late to fix a mistake. Here are some things that will help.

Stop – if you’re not in a great headspace, you might act without thinking things through (which can make it worse).  

Stay calm – if you’re panicking, take a break. It’s definitely not a good idea to try sort it out if you are low key freaking out.  

Do some research – Check out reputable sites that can help, like eSafety  and Kids Helpline.  

Explore your options/problem solve – normally, there’s lots we can do to stay safe and it’s NEVER too late to take action.  

Act – work out a plan of attack and start making progress. 

Get support if needed – talk to a trusted parent, teacher or counsellor. Remember, resources like Kids Helpline is always there to help. 


An adult stranger approaches you and asks you to come with them to look for their lost dog. Should you help them?

No. Adults should not ask teenagers or children to do something for them an adult could. This includes searching for a lost pet, asking for directions or helping them with something else.

True or False: Safety tips only apply to strangers; we can completely trust the people we already know.

False: Just because we know someone doesn't mean that they are completely safe. If you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe, it's okay to leave the situation, even if it's someone you know making you feel this way.


Someone is making you feel uncomfortable, whether it be in person or online. What should you do?

Get away and don't worry if you're overreacting. If you feel unsafe, chances are you're right. Once out of the immediate situation tell a trusted adult. 


Your friend from Instagram, who you've never met in person, tells you they're coming to your city and want to meet up. What should you do?

Say no if you do not feel comfortable. If you do decide to meet them, you should:

-Tell a trusted adult

-Take someone with you

-Meet them in a public space, where you know people will be. 


You're out with your friends at a park and you see people getting heated. What do you do?

Do not engage with them, put your safety first. Tell a trusted adult if you feel you need to. If it's gotten physical, call the RCMP. 

What do you do if you feel like someone is following you?

- If you can, call someone - preferably an adult

- If you don't have a phone, find the nearest business

- Go to your closest safe space


Your friend is telling you that life is really hard right now but told you not to tell anyone else. What do you do?

- Make sure your friend knows you care about them

- If you feel your friend isn't safe, tell an adult

-Call a helpline to ask what you should do
