This is...
True or False
Can I Do It?
Show Me!

This is my response when TAP staff ask me to do something

"Okay," "Yes," "Sure," "Okey-dokey"


True or false: If there is an emergency, I should go grab my stuff from my cubby

False! YOU are more important than your stuff!


I just cut my finger and now it's bleeding. What do I do?

1) Scream

2) Ignore it

3) Get a staff's attention and tell them what happened

4) Wipe the blood on my pants and keep playing

Get a staff's attention and tell them what happened.


Can indoors at TAP?

Nope! Even if we're super excited or we want to get somewhere quickly, we shouldn't be running at TAP. TAP is a small space and when people run it's easier to get hurt or hurt someone else.


Show me where you go if there is a tornado or a hurricane!

Craft closet/kids' bathroom


This is where we leave TAP from if the fire alarm goes off

The back door


True or false: it matters where I stand in line during a fire drill

False. As long as you are in line and staff can see you, it doesn't matter what order you are in.


I see a peer doing something that I don't think is safe and might end up with them getting hurt, what do I do?

1) Point at the peer and yell "YOU CAN'T DO THAT"

2) Walk over to them and say hey that might not be a good idea

3) Nothing

4) Walk over to a staff and quietly tell them.
You can do 2) and 4)!

Can I...go into the kitchen by myself?

Nope! Unless you're Junior Leader, you should never be going in the kitchen, and even if you ARE Junior Leader, you can't go into the kitchen alone.


Show me where we go if there is an intruder

Craft closet/kids' bathroom

This is where we should hide if there is a tornado or a hurricane

The craft closet/the kids' bathroom


True or false: when there's an emergency, I should yell and run

False. Even though it might be a little scary, we need to stay quiet and calm so we can all follow staff to a safe space.


I hurt myself at school and it still doesn't feel better, what should I do?

1) Keep quiet and suck it up

2) Cry

3) Complain to a peer

4) Tell a staff and ask for help

The correct answer is 4), although you can do 2) if you need to!


Can I...go into the craft closet and shut the door behind me while I look for stuff?

Nope! We should never be going into the craft closet without a staff, and we definitely shouldn't be closing doors behind us so staff can't see us.

Show me where you go if YOU are feeling unsafe?

Sensory room/office


This is the first thing we should do in an emergency at TAP

Look at and listen to staff


True or false: If we have to go into the craft closet or kids' bathroom to hide, I should grab something to do while I'm in there or maybe bring a snack.

False. It's true we don't always know how long we might have to hang out in the closet or the bathroom until it's safe to head back out, but it's important we head right to our safe spots and don't stop to grab anything.


I just got a nosebleed. What do I do?

1) Scream and freak out

2) Tilt my head back

3) Tilt my head forward, pinch my nose, and ask a staff for help

4) Shove some tissues in my nostrils

The correct answer is 3), tilt my head forward and ask a staff for help! Nosebleeds can be a little scary but they're totally normal. We lean forward and pinch our nose to stop the blood from dripping out, and we ask staff for help so they can get us an ice pack and help us clean up!


Can I...go down the hallway by myself?

Nope! UNLESS you're Junior Leader, and even then you've got to tell staff where you're going.


Show me what you should do if the fire alarm goes off

Stop what you're doing and look at staff/walk over to the white board to line up


This is why it's important to be quiet during an emergency

So we can hear staff instructions and know what to do.


True or false: it's up to you guys to keep yourself safe during an emergency.

False. It's up to you AND staff. While it IS important that you listen and follow staff directions, it's up to staff, too, to do everything we can to keep you safe. And we will! :)

I hurt myself at TAP but I did it doing something I'm not supposed to do. What should I do?

1) Keep quiet so I don't get in trouble

2) Lie about it

3) Blame it on someone else

4) Tell staff the truth

The correct answer is 4), tell staff the truth. We care the most about keeping you safe - if you're hurt, we want to fix that more than we care about anything else.


Can I...ask staff if I'm not sure whether it's safe to do something?

YEP! You can always ask if you're not sure or you forgot.


Show me your best stop, drop, and roll!

:) good job!
