What are some things you shouldn't share online?
1: Personal Information
2: Inaporopraite text or images
If you are in a relationship and you friends say its unsafe, should you end it or not?
Yes, if you friends are telling you the relationship you are in is unsafe you should trust them
What is bullying?
Something that happens over a long period of time.
ex. harrsing, name calling, etc...
Should you wear a helmet on a bike?
YES! you should!
Should you tell other people your home adress
if you do not know or you do not trust them you SHOULD NOT share your adress with them!
Privacy settings, why do you think they are important?
Privacy settings keep your personal information safe from people.
What are some things that can tell you that you might be in an unsafe relationship?
1: If you are being harmed physically in any way
2: If you are thretanded to stay in the relashonship
3: Forces you do to things without your consent
Is this bullying?
Calls you names every day, and says things that are offensive to you every single day.
What can you carry aruond to help protect you?
Pepper spray would be one thing that could help to protect you.
(if you answer something that does protect you you still get the points)
Should you give a stranger your phone number?
What are some things you can do to stay safe while using social media?
1: Dont talk to people you don't know
2: Dont post anything inappropriate
3: Dont text people things you might regret later
What are some signs your relashonships are becoming unhealthy?
1: Not communicating with each other
2: Lots of fighting or arguing
3: Friends and Family think there not the right person
Name 4 Types of bullying.
Should a 10 year old male who is 3'9 be sitting in the front seat of a car?
Should you take a ride from a stranger if they say they know your family?
NO, you should comfirm that they know your family knows about them picking you up before you think about getting in a car with them.
If someone you DO NOT know asks for personal information, what should you do?
You should stop texting them, or block them.
Should you or should you not get in this relashonshiop?
No communication, your family and friends don't approve, some abuse, but they buy you lots of expensive stuff and say nice things to you.
Middle School- Highschool
What do you think the weight reqirment is to be sitting in the passenger seat?
You must be over 80 pounds
if not explain why.
No- If you said no sometimes it can be hard to read them but you should incase they something that you dont want to agree with
Yes- If you said yes you were correct, you should always read privacy policies.
What are the 4 Cs of online safety?
What should you think about before getting in a relationship?
1:Do they treat you right?
2: Will the relationship affect your mental health?
3:Do they harm you physically or verbally?
4: Do you trust them?
What are some signs that a child is bullying?
Afraid to go to school of extra ciricular activities
Appears anxious or fearful
Low self esteem
Trouble sleeping
Should you leave a child under 10 alone in the car while you go shopping?
No! You shouldnt!
Assess the situation-
Alice is walking home all by her self, she is then approached by someone she doesn't know. the person says that she dropped her wallet, they then hand Alice a wallet that isn't hers, she tried to walk away but the person keeps trying to talk to her, then the person offers her a ride to her house. should she go with the person?
NO! You shouldn't go home with someone that you haven't met.