True or false: you should always tell an adult if you see something unsafe in your house.
What should you do if you need to leave the classroom?
What should you always do before you cross the street?
Look both ways, and hold hands with an adult.
Who should you always swim with?
An adult.
You have a lot of homework.
Not an emergency.
Why is it unsafe to leave your toys all over the floor?
You might trip on them, step on them or break them.
True or false: It is safe to stand on your chair.
What should you always wear when you are riding in a car?
What should you always wear when swimming?
A life jacket.
There is a fire in your home.
An emergency.
When is it safe to touch medicine in your house?
Only when it it yours and your grown-up gives it to you.
What should you do if you see a stranger on the playground?
Find a teacher and let them know.
What should you always wear when riding a bike?
A helmet.
Never swim during a ______?
Your shoelace is untied.
Not an emergency.
What should you do if a stranger knocks on the door?
Find a grown up to answer the door.
Which of the following is not a rule at school?:
- keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- Use kind words.
- Throw snow at other students.
Throw snow at other students.
True or false: playing near the road with balls in unsafe.
True or false: It is okay to run near water?
Someone is trying to break into your home.
An emergency.