Are we allowed to...
T or F

A resource that provides safety standards and guidelines for GSUSA approved activities

Safety Activity Checkpoints (SAC)


What is the adult-to-girl ratio for daisies for a meeting or low-risk activity?

Two non-related adults (1 woman) for every 6 Girl Scout daisies; Additional adult for every additional 1-4 daisies


..go bungee jumping, hang glide, or jet ski?

No. These are all examples of activities that are not permitted.


Council approval is required for ALL outdoor activities

False. Council approval is required for certain higher-risk activities, but not all activities.


A document that provides the initial "nitty-gritty" - what you need to know now, as you plan for your first meeting with girls AND a reference guide to be used as needed

What is Volunteer Essentials?


There are 30 Girl Scout Ambassadors going to a low-risk event, how many adults are needs for this experience?

3 adults, at least one woman

Two non-related adults (1 woman) for every 24 Girl Scout Ambassadors; Additional adult for every additional 1-12 ambassadors


to take a group of daisies to an indoor trampoline park?

No.  Indoor trampolines are not approved for daisies.  Brownies through Ambassadors can participate.


The adult-to-girl ratio is always the same regardless of level of risk.

False.  Some high-adventure activities may require more adult to girl supervision.


How often are Safety Activity Checkpoints and Volunteer Essentials updated?



When you have a mixed grade troop that involves girls K-3, which adult-to-girl ratio should be followed?

Daisies.  For mixed-grade level troops, use the ratio for the lowest grade level in the troop.


..take a group of juniors backpacking?

Yes.  Backpacking is not recommended for daisies or brownies, but Juniors through Ambassadors can participate.


The ultimate goal is for girls to feel confident and comfortable with each planned activity.

True.  The purpose of Safety Activities Checkpoint is to support girls and volunteers as they are planning events and adventures with their troops.


responsible for researching outdoor program aspects pertaining to girls’ health, safety, and well-being, as well as each approved activity, including transportation to and from the activities.

Who is the Safety Activities Checkpoint Task Group? The task group is made up of representatives from GSUSA and GS Councils to assess all activities.


There are 20 Girl Scout Cadettes going to a low-risk event, how many adults are needs for this experience?

two non-related adults, including one woman


...take a bicycle trip on a rail trail during the day?

Yes. Bicycle trips are approved for all levels.  However, if you are spending the night camping or doing other activities that would be consider higher risk during the trip, you will need council approval for those activities.


Safety Activity Checkpoints includes information about online safety.

True. Safety Activity Checkpoints offers information on how to instruct girls never to put their full names or contact information online, engage in virtual conversation with strangers, or arrange in-person meetings with online contacts.


an easy reference grid with respect to grade-level specifications for activity participation, council approval requirements, and instructor credentialing (i.e., required certification/experience)

What is "Activities at a Glance?" 

I am taking a group of girl scouts to a campground that had a swimming pool.  Do I need to do anything additional other than the ratios for the trip?

It depends.  For this question, we need more information.  When using a staffed public facility, lifeguards will be provided. At beaches or waterfronts, make sure a lifeguard will be on duty. For swimming on your own, you’ll need to recruit a lifeguard in addition to your required ratios.


...sell cookies and fall products

Yes.  Of course, we know all levels of girl scouts are allowed to and encouraged to participate in the Cookie Program & Fall Product Sales.  However, did you know that you could find information about safety guidelines in Safety Activity Checkpoints about these programs?


Camping is considered a high-risk activity

True.  Camping is considered high-risk because it falls under the category "all travel involving an overnight stay."
