
You are out in the community, and you are about to cross a busy street. You should do this before crossing the street.

What is look both ways?


You are coming down the hall and begin to hear lots of noise. You get closer and see the mats up by the calm down area. This is what you should do.

What is turn around/go back to classroom?


You are home alone. This is what you should make sure you have on you if there is an emergency/if you fall and need help.

What is your phone?


This is what you should you should make sure is secure when taking the van in your wheelchair.

What is 4 tie downs/anchors?


You are in the elevator at school. Your back is facing the doors. This is what you should do before exiting the elevator.

What is make sure no one is behind you/turn around if possible?


You are home alone playing Mario at home on a snow day and suddenly the game shuts off. You quickly realize the power has gone out. This is what you should do next.

What is call your parent/guardian?


You are going to CBI with Mr. Mike in your wheelchair. This is what you should make sure to buckle before leaving to keep you secure.

What is seat belt and chest strap?


You have just gotten back from OT session. This is where you should make sure to park your wheelchair or walker before going back to class.

What is behind the line in hallway?


You are home alone and begin to smell gas in the house. This is what you should do next.

What is call parent/guardian and 911?


You are in the Eat n' Park parking lot and see a car with their red tail lights on. This is what you should do.

What is stop and wait to see if car is reversing?


You are coming down the hallway in your wheelchair and see some students on bikes coming toward you. This is what you should do.

What is move out of the way and let them pass?


You are cooking something and it spills on the hot stove. This is what you should do.

What is turn off the stove?
