Facility and Equipment Requirements
Imaging Fun
Imaging Fun 2

Which is inccorrect? Somatic Effects are:

A) Observable changes occurring in the body's organs.

B) Non observable changes occurring in the body's organs.

C) Dependant on the amount and duration of exposure.

D) Appear in a few hours or after many years. 

B) Non-observable changes occurring in the body's organs. 


DRLs are not limits, but a guideline to optimize doses during procedures. T/F?



Radiation levels in controlled areas that are occupied routinely by radiation workers must be such that no radiation worker is exposed to more than:

a) 15 mSv/year

b) 20 mSv/year

c) 25 mSv/year

d 30 mSv/year

b) 20 mSv/year


Which identifies the right capitellum of the humerus?



Which label identifies the right atrium of the heart?


Which is/are correct? Genetic effects can have:

A) No observable damage

B) Cause chromosomal damage in germ cells.

C) A and B

D) Are minor changes that do not have a big effect on the body.

E) A and D

C) A and B

Cause chromosomal damage in germ cells and no observable damage. 


What is the purpose of Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRLs)?

a) To protect technologists from receiving high levels of radiation.

b) To promote better control of patient exposures to x-rays.

c) To increase the understanding of patient exposure and the effect on patients. 

b) To promote better control of patient exposures to x-rays. 


The radiation levels in uncontrolled areas must be such that no person receives more than:

a) 1 mSv/year

b) 3 mSv/year

c) 5 mSv/year

d) 4 mSv/ year

a) 1 mSv/year


Which numbered arrow indicates the lentiform nucleus?



Which label indicates the caudate nucleus?



The no-threshold hypothesis states:

A) That the health risk from radiation exposure is proportional to the dose.

B) That the health risk from radiation exposure is not proportional to the dose.

C) If you minimize patient exposure, there is no-threshold.

D) If you maximize patient exposure, there is no-threshold. 

a) That the health risk from radiation exposure is proportional to the dose. 


Which is false about DRLs?

a) DRLs are universal across Canada.

b) DRLs can be established in two ways. 

c) Each facility must establish DRLs for procedures relevant to them.

d) DRLs are based on typical examinations of standardized patient or phantom sizes. 

a)DRLs are universal across Canada.

The x-ray tube must be enclosed in a shielded housing. This shielding must be such that the leakage radiation from the x-ray sources does not exceed and air kerma rate of ____ mGy/h at a distance of 1 m away from the focal spot. 

a) 1.0

b) 1.5

C) 2

D) 5

a) 1.0


Which patient has cecal volvulus?

b) Patient A has a sigmoid volvulus with typical three lines representing the walls of the sigmoid seen. This is known as the Frimann-Dahl sign or coffee bean appearance. In addition, the more proximal portions of the large bowel are seen to be distended (descending colon, transverse colon) and the cecum can be seen in the correct position which further assists in confirming the diagnosis of sigmoid volvulus. Patient B has a cecal volvulus with a single large distended gas filled viscus in the central abdomen with a horizontal fold. The lack of any gas distending the rest of the large bowel, and the lack of a cecum visible in its normal position further assist in making the diagnosis of cecal volvulus. 


What is the diagnosis?

A) Adamantinoma

b) Osgood-Schlatter disease

c) osteochondroma

d) Tibial tug lesion

C) Osteochondroma

There is a bone growth directed away from the knee joint and which is continuous with the medullary cavity. Appearance is typical of osteochondroma.


Which is not a section of SC35?

a) Responsibilities and Protection

b) Facility and Equipment Requirements

c) Delegation and Responsibilities

d) Quality Assurance Program

c) Delegation and Responsibilities


To establish DRLs, which is acceptable?

a) Patient must be 100 kg and 20 patients must be used.

b) A phantom specifically designed for the procedure.

c) Any phantom, as long as it is continuously used to determine the DRLs.

d) Patients must be 50-90kg and minimum 10 patients used. 

e) B and E

f) B and D

e)  B and E


Which is not a primary barrier?

a) X-ray control booth.

b) Walls

c) Floor

d) Ceiling

e) A and D

e) A and D

This 70 y/o woman presented with foot pain. Which toe shows evidence of gout?

2nd toe

There is a juxta-articular erosion at the medial aspect head of the second middle phalanx and also at the lateral aspect base of the second distal phalanx. These appear punched-out, with the middle phalanx erosion demonstrating an overhanging edge, highly suggestive of gout. Mild associated soft tissue swelling. No convincing radiographic evidence of gout elsewhere in the foot.


Which of these diagnoses can be made on this single small bowel barium follow-through image?

a) Celiac disease

b) Crohn's Disease

c) Duodenal Diverticula

e) Scleroderma 

c) Duodenal Diverticula


The aim of SC35 is to provide radiological facilities with information to achieve the following:

a) Minimize patient exposure to ionizing radiation while ensuring the necessary diagnostic information is obtained and treatment provided

b)Ensure adequate protection of personnel operating x-ray equipment

c) Ensure proper training on x-ray equipment

d) A and B

c) B and C 

d) A and B


Which is not a way to determine entrance surface doses for establishing DRLs?

a) TLDs

b) Dose Area Product (DAP) meters

c) Linear Dose Product (LDP) meters

d) Through retrieved information from RIS

c) Linear Dose Product (LDP) meters


CT equipment is designed so that only secondary shielding must be provided. T/F?


What is the diagnosis?

a) Anterior, inferior iliac spine avulsion

b) Anterior superior iliac spine avulsion

c) Left Slipped upper femoral epiphysis

d) Right slipped upper femoral epiphysis

a) Anterior inferior iliac spine avulsion


Which diagnosis should be suspected from this chest x-ray?

a) Aortic coarctation

b) Cystic fibrosis

c) lung cancer

d) pectus excavatum

c) lung cancer

There is a soft-tissue mass within the left lung apex. This proved to be a superior sulcus squamous cell carcinoma of lung (Pancoast tumor). The apex is an important check area on frontal chest radiographs. The aortic outline is normal with no figure 3 sign or inferior rib notching to suggest aortic coarctation. The brochovascular markings appear normal with no bronchiectasis to suggest cystic fibrosis. The right heart border is well seen and the orientation of the ribs is normal, which excludes pectus excavatum.
