If approved by the state, Altman is awarded this percentage discount on their Workers Comp premium
What is 5%?
This should be sent a week before the scheduled safety committee meeting
What is an agenda?
This number is the correct feet that electrical panels need clearance from other items
What is 3 feet?
If not hard-wired, it is recommended to change batteries of smoke alarms at what two times in the year?
What is daylight savings days?
(Once in November and once in March)
This item should be illuminated and positioned over doors that lead to the outside
What are exit signs?
This is the amount of documented Safety Committee meetings that must be held every year
What is 12?
This should be sent after the meeting is conducted to summarize what was discussed
What are the meeting minutes?
(Must be within a week of the meeting, I recommend that day or next. Chairperson can elect someone to take the minutes during the meeting or do so themselves.)
According to OSHA, all employees have the right to know what chemicals they are working with and what the potential hazards and emergency remedies are. This information should be kept either in a binder located near the hazards or electronically for all employees to access.
What is SDS?
(Safety Data Sheets)
Even for cleaning products! Can be found through google search or on manufacturer's website
This should be performed annually and as needed after large storm or wind events
What is a roof inspection?
(Walk around and visually inspect, especially with shingled roofs after wind event)
A Fire Protection Contractor should be on site to inspect sprinkler systems and fire extinguishers this often
What is annually?
10/2 + 1 = 6 is the ____
What is quorum?
When setting the committee meeting agenda, it is important to have this element, which will change each meeting and could be presented by a member or even a guest
What is a safety related topic?
(Heat Stress, Maintenance Shop, First Aid Response, Lifting, Lacerations, Insect Stings, Violent tenants. emergency situations)
Recommended to spread this across the members so each month a member can present a safety topic related to their location/job. If need assistance, I can always provide information or present.
It's electric!! Boogie Woogie
Due to the history of fires it has caused, these have been banned in all property construction since the 1980s and if still in existence, should be remediated immediately
What is Federal Pacific/Stab Lok Panels?
Time to play!
This should be inspected in the early spring and late fall to ensure metal, bolts, S chains, and the soft surface around is adequate for children's safety.
What is a playground?
(I recommend inspecting throughout the summer depending on the use by tenants)
This item should be posted in the fitness center, dog park, business center, pool area, laundry rooms, and any other amenity areas
What are posted rules?
(Age requirements/restrictions, hours of operations, rules of the use of space, no smoking, etc)
Thank you for service!
This is the number of years each member is required to serve once they are on the committee
What is one year?
It is encouraged to rotate members but once you receive this recertification today, you are set for the year. Switching members in and out during the year could lead to getting disapproved by the state.
There must be at least two members representing the employer/management and two members representing the employees (maintenance, leasing office, home office) This is to promote employment diversity in the committee. It is encouraged the chairperson stay constant.
If the committee is setting goals to accomplish, they should be this acronym...
What are SMART goals?
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Limited)
Goals should always be listed on the agenda and touch base each month on the progress (even if there is no progress, still document it)
When using an extension ladder, this is the ratio to keep in mind when placing ladder against a wall
What is 4:1?
For every 4 feet up, the feet of the ladder should go out one foot.
4:1 8:2 12:3 16:4
It's Summer Time!
While Altman hires outside lifeguards, this security feature of the pool area should be inspected prior to the pool opening and throughout the summertime to prevent non tenants, minors or after-hour guests from entering.
What is the gate lock?
While I perform inspections during the day, it is important for maintenance to routinely check this exterior feature in the dark to ensure they are working properly
What is exterior lighting?
(Parking lots, sidewalks lights, exterior lights on buildings, breezeways)
One element of the Safety Committee being approved is to be in existence for this long, prior to applying/reapplying
What is six full consecutive months?
(Committee shall be in existence and operating for 6 months prior to the application, for initial or renewal)
(Today, this recertification is for the 2026-2027 period, you're 2025-2026 certification *should of been* accepted, which is reflected in the premium renewal credit)
The window to reapply for renewal certification is this period (in days)
what is 90 to 15 days prior to the renewal date?
This should be kept clear by 28 inches
What is egress route?
28 inches is the minimum, I recommend having a higher standard of 3 feet (36 inches)
Winter is here!!
If an apartment has one of these, it should be inspected by maintenance annually and during turnovers. Inspections should make sure tenants are not storing items in this or improper use
What are fireplaces?
(gas or wood)
These three items should always be in the maintenance shop
What are the first aid kit, eye wash station/bottles and a fire extinguisher?
(And SDS if not electronically stored)
AND KEEP THESE UP TO DATE!!!!! Maintenance Shop checklist should include monthly expiration and supplies checks. Band Aids do expire!