Identify the safety hazard:
The stove was left on
The kitchen chair is pushed in
The floor is dry
The stove was left on!
Identify the safety hazard:
Our desk chairs are pushed in
There is a wet spot on the floor without a sign
There is a wet floor sign on the floor
There is a wet spot on the floor without a sign!
Identify the safety hazard:
Sydney crosses the road without looking both ways first
Adeline walks on the sidewalk
Will stops at the stop sign while driving
Sydney crosses the road without looking both ways first!
This is a firetruck that helps put out fires!
This is a safety hazard!
This is safe!
You see your neighbors house smoking. What should you do?
Tell your parents or a trusted adult. If you are alone, dial 911 and let them know!
This is an ambulance that helps take injured people to the hospital!
What should we do if we find a safety hazard at home?
Tell a parent or adult!
What should we do if we find a safety hazard at school?
Tell a teacher or a trusted adult!
What should we do if we find a safety hazard in our neighborhood?
Tell a trusted adult or family member!
Why is it important to know our home address?
We might need to call emergency services and they need to know our address!
Yes! Mold is dangerous to our health!
This is a safety hazard!
Stop signs help keep out neighborhoods (and communities) safe!
Name a safety hazard that can be in our homes
(Any answer is correct as long as it is a real safety hazard! Teacher will confirm!)
Name a safety hazard that can be at school
(Any answer is correct as long as it is a real safety hazard! Teacher will confirm!)
Name a safety hazard that can be in our neighborhood
(Any answer is correct as long as it is a real safety hazard! Teacher will confirm!)
Name a safety hazard that can be in our community
(Any answer is correct as long as it is a real safety hazard! Teacher will confirm!)
Name a way we can prevent safety hazards
(Any answer is correct as long as it is a true way to prevent a safety hazard! Teacher will confirm!)